Thank God for Superman……..

Today apparently will never end. I have been to both Nashville (Indiana) and Bloomington today, which was a successful trip. We found a facility in which to house our campus ministry for IU students and will also launch a mission church in the same location. (St. George the Dragonslayer). We almost didn’t get to see it though. It was just on the outskirts of all the police cars and fire trucks. Some construction workers cut a gas main and you could hear and smell it everywhere. I asked one of the guys on that crew about it and he said that when it was cut he never ran so fast in his life. Of that, I am sure….who wouldn’t?

But I needed to come all the way back up to Noblesville to pick up Ben from daycare and take him to our house where I was meeting yet another sitter who would be watching him while I headed back to Monument Circle in Indianapolis (which I had already passed twice today) for a wedding rehearsal for a wedding I am doing tomorrow morning.
Of course we were hoping that Amanda would be home from Canada while I was at the rehearsal dinner, so at least the sitter could go home……but that was clearly too much to ask of Air Canada. By the time I had finished the rehearsal, stopped by the dinner to pick up the license and apologize for needing to get home and relieve the sitter, Amanda had called and said her flight had been delayed AGAIN. She was mad, but not nearly as mad as she was when I was nearly home to tell me that it had now been CANCELLED.
So the last I heard from her she was getting on a plane for Chicago, and hopefully Lilly will have a plan arranged for the remainder of the trip when she lands there. I hope to heck they do too. I would hate to get her any more upset!
But as for me, I came home, paid the sitter, started dinner and went to get Ben in his pajamas. I just pulled them out of the drawer……Superman pajamas with the tags still on. I hope I haven’t ruined a Christmas gift, but sometimes you just need a hero. This day may be never-ending, but I ate dinner with Superman and I am now watching Sprout with him too.
It’s a great blessing to me. I only hope he doesn’t need to fly up to Chicago to pick up his mom.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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