A day of many blessings……..

Today I am posting early, not because I am trying to get things done sooner, but because of the day.

This morning I officiated at a wedding that was more public than any I have ever done. Carie Parrino and Neill Waters (now Mr. and Mrs. Neill Waters!) were married this morning on the steps of the monument right in the dead center of Indianapolis. It was a wonderful wedding and a perfect day. People were all around what we call “the circle” which is the road surrounding the monument and it put a smile on every face. It was an amazing blessing to be there.
There were also a lot of soldiers in fatigues downtown today, and it was through a few of them that I got one of the most amazing blessings of my life. After the wedding, with the bride and groom already gone, and with me still in my vestments putting things away, three of these soldiers came over to talk with me…..and they asked me if they could each take their picture with me. It was one of the biggest honors of my life.
No, it had nothing to do with me…….but for me, it had everything to do with them. These brave men and women of our Armed Forces mean a lot to me. The represent much more to me than I could ever express and I am more appreciative of what they do for us, for freedom, and for our great country than any words I could ever write could describe.
These soldiers were not from Indiana, but they put their lives in harm’s way for the people here, reflecting great character and commitment that I have always admired. It was a great blessing to be seen with them, and to have the opportunity to shake their hands and thank them for their service. They are truly my heroes.
So today as I think about how I was blessed today let me close with this. My friends if you are serving in the Armed Forces, or if you have, thank you for your service. I mean that with all my heart. And thanks also to your families for the sacrifices they have made to allow you to serve.
I often hear people ignorantly spout off some silly divisive rhetoric about some wild things they believe in saying, “and that’s what America is all about.” They couldn’t be more wrong.
The brave men and women of our Armed Forces represent the best of what our country stands for. I am thankful for them and I pray for them each and every day! You should too…….and make sure to thank them all for their service!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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