We were just sleeping, I swear……

It is an interesting night at the Tirman home. Ben is sitting in a chair on the back porch (where he was attempting to interfere with the writing of this blog) ordering his brother around as if he is bigger than him. He does think he is Scotty’s boss, which is funny in itself, but they are as thick as thieves.

Amanda is packing. No, this is not another work trip, but an emergency trip to Arizona to be with her sister. Rhonda has thrown out her back, and with a newborn, a 6 year old, and her husband working out of state, she needed some help. Amanda wanted to go help her too and I was more than happy to oblige. After all, I still am hurting from my sneezing during my sermon on Sunday. Oh the sneeze didn’t hurt, it was my feelings. It was really inappropriate for Amanda not to say “God Bless you,” but to instead get all excited and start screaming, “Just walk toward the light Tom, just walk toward the light.” Most of the congregants (though I have not polled them) want me around. I am sure I am good for something, and sure, even if I cannot think of anything, I know my grandma still loves me….but I digress again.
So in the morning I will be taking Amanda to the airport. She will be gone till Friday night, but probably will not be worried at all until she remembers that the only female supervision we have here will be the cat…..that we can bribe with treats. (All the boys do is sleep….we are innocent, in advance, I swear) I do have that whole work-thing to do, and a ton of other stuff that should make damage here minimal. But it will be a boy’s adventure for 4 full days I am sure.
I do have a funeral tomorrow followed by an eye doctor appointment. I have lost my glasses, but since I only need them to see, I have not been too anxious to find them. In all honesty I was worried to tell my wife I lost them. But a new pair is cheaper than a guide dog (plus you do not need to feed glasses) so I should have a new pair soon.
So for now I will just call it a night. I will need to get her to the airport early and it will be a full day. I am thankful however for the opportunity to live it. Each day of my life is such an adventure and though they often seem bizarre, they really do entertain me. Thanks for letting me share this day with you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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