Hanging with the boys……

Although Stephanie and Amanda are fun in their own ways, hanging with Ben and Scott is always a treat because unlike the girls, they are rarely serious. They crack people up wherever we go, and I can’t I confess they are mine in those times so readily. Usually I just say, “I’m sorry, they are twin brothers born just 14 years apart.” People either laugh or take a few steps back before running. The boys can’t though……genetics is something one cannot run from. I suppose that’s why when we are ALL together we aren’t…..Stephanie and Amanda usually shop apart from us.

So tonight we went to eat, we went to the store (where I shopped and they ran around through the rows laughing and screaming), we went to a park, and then to two more stores looking for a model they could put together tomorrow. They found one quickly and then laughed with each other at all the gross toys in novelty display at the Michael’s. (Hobby Lobby was closed). We then came home where they flew a balsa wood plane a few times until it broke and then headed to the basement together, asking me to make the brownies before they disappeared.
And now the brownies are all done, Ben is now “Batman,” and is eating as many as he can before his brother gets out of the shower. (He has made quite a dent in the pan.) Indoor lacrosse starts tomorrow night for Scott and for me on Friday……it will be pretty constant until June. But it is the life we live and a great one. And our all boy adventure tonight was just the thing to preface the next few months. I am blessed to have such great kids.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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