A model relationship…….

We had an eventful evening tonight. Lacrosse season kicked off with Scott’s first game of the indoor season, (which Ben and I attended) and then Ben and I went to Red Robin for dinner where he had quite the time with Red (yep, the Robin). We then came home where he “Skyped” with his mom and cousin Kayla before he and Scott sat down to build the fire truck model they bought together last night.

Of course when the fire truck didn’t quite go together like they intended the meltdown began. But in all honesty it was not Scott’s fault. I read the directions too. They technically were in “English,” but they also were technically “unclear.” It was a New Jersey fire truck made in China, yet a Chinese engineer would have trouble with it I am sure.. Things often get lost in translation. So after a boldfaced lie about needing to go to the fire truck store to get parts, we headed upstairs with a child who was screaming like he was being tortured. Of course we laughed it off…..his mom wasn’t here, so his wailing fell on deaf ears….plus, we needed to get him in his pajamas while Scotty ran to the fire truck store.
The good news is that tomorrow marks the return of the mommy! A bath will be taken (or given) prior to the trip to the daycare, and my team’s first indoor game is tomorrow night. But God willing, I hope to survive the day. But I made it through today, so I am guessing that’s a good sign!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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