Ending 2013……….

As I look back on 2013, I confess that is has been one of the most difficult years of my life, yet as I say that I must also confess that it has been one of the most formative as well.  Not that I am disappointed to see it go, as I am not, but the lessons learned and the experience gained on this leg of my life’s journey have been significant.  And if I had the chance to do it all over again I would clearly confess “Heck no!” (lest you think I had hired a ghost writer)

Of course I am painfully aware that I am typing this at a little after 8pm EST, and in order for this to really have any full meaning, I must live another 4 hours.  I no longer take any of life as a given, (a lesson learned this past year) so I will hope and pray for the best, but I do anticipate writing tomorrow as well.

But I am finishing the year with a
pretty good day……one of the rare ones in my life where ALL THREE kids are together.  Yes, Scotty was flying in this afternoon to surprise his fiancee’ Kenzie, and the surprise was on him….she was already at our house waiting on him.  But Ben, Steph, Amanda, and I were able to pick him up from the airport.  At home Steph hung around a little bit before heading to a get together out of town.  I will have a couple more days with all three before she leaves to return for her final semester of college.  It is a pretty great way to end and start a year (not with her leaving mind you, but with all three kids here!)

So here are two year-ending pictures including everyone but me.  But honestly it’s better that way.  As they say, I have a face for radio.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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