Love story……

Well it is 11pm. Amanda is back and the reality is that I am back to being a second-class citizen as well. I am ALWAYS the third wheel in this relationship, and since Ben has been killing both me and his brother the last few days I will not take this as rejection. Ben and Amanda hardly know I am here, and quite frankly it is quite peaceful…other than their laughter.

And in addition to the reunion, our indoor lacrosse season started up as well. Indoor is like a shooting gallery. Goalies get A LOT of shots and tonight was no exception. We tied Heritage Christian tonight and played much better than we expected. This was a good sign, particularly since we play in the morning at the Butler Invitational…..and three games at that!
But for now I am just glad to see my bed and have things back to normal (or as normal as they normally are here). It is a great blessing. And yes, the picture was Amanda’s suggestion. I am not stupid!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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