Praying our way through some time……

I need to share that my dad had some surgery last Friday. It was a scheduled surgery to resolve some issues doctors discovered on a trip to England in the early summer. And my dad has spent the last couple of months prepping for last Friday.

The surgery all went well, very well in fact, and he will be recovering, and regaining his strength, now for the next couple of months. I do want to apologize however for not sharing this news pre-surgery, but my dad is really more popular than Kim Kardashian these days (though even he would say Kim looks a lot better than he does), but we worried that if people knew in advance, he really could have been over-inundated with well wishes of people who truly love him, but even then he needed to rest up. Even our family visits, have pushed the limit, but the good news is that he is doing great and will make a full recovery.

What I can say is that we would appreciate your prayers for him. He has been on a lot of prayer lists, and we are just thankful to get to this point and see the progress he has made! Thanks for your continued prayers as well.
Okay… to bed, I mean to watch the Bears….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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