Observations of aging……..

They say that home is where the heart is, but tonight it is also where I have the rest of my tired self as well. It has been a long two days, with plenty of driving, and the thought of my own bed seems exciting to me.

Traveling though, even for a short time, gets my schedule all out of whack. Part of me thinks it is Sunday night, while another thinks it is 1946. Neither of course is right, but that’s why I keep a calendar. Tomorrow I do know that I have my neurologist appointment. First of all, no one should ever have to see one, but if you ever have a stroke, you will get to see one for the rest of your life!
I will be asked how I am doing, if I am having any other issues, I will get the standard evaluation, and then an invite to come back again in six months. But I will do whatever it takes to see him when he wants, rather than getting back to a point where he is being called in….if you know what I mean. These appointments are pretty tame, but it is all part of being monitored. At least I don’t have to wear a bracelet or something like my good buddy Lindsay!
Anyway, it seems as if time has been flying since the stroke over 2.5 years ago. I am just thankful most of the symptoms are gone too. Anyway, it seems as if time has been flying since the stroke over 2.5 years ago. I am just thankful most of the symptoms are gone too. (hahahaha…..nope, not crazy, just funny….a little brain damaged humor, albeit a little) I actually feel pretty good, and so sharp at times that people probably shouldn’t run with me in their hands. In all honesty I am just thankful to be here and to have the opportunities I do in this life. Each day is a blessing.
So all this is to say….the heck with this blessed day and I am going to bed! It may be pretty early, but I am secure about my codgery ways! After all I need my sleep to be able to stay sharp and be that burden to my children in my old age I have always promised them I would be!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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