A promotion of sorts……

I had my six month neurology appointment today, and although these are routine for someone who has had a stroke, what I didn’t anticipate but will take, is that now my appointments will be annual! So this is to say, I guess I have been promoted.

Of course today went like all the others, with both the same questions and answers. How are you doing? Fine. Any problems? No. Still have trouble with the memory? Yes. Any other issues? No. Okay, let me listen to your heart. (Listening to the heart is what all doctors do, since I have already had my lifetime shares of the MRI)
He did however have me get a blood test for my thyroid. I will know on Thursday whether I have a problem with that or if I am just an overweight middle aged man. At this point I cannot decide which to pray for. If it is just an imbalance and then a pill I am all for a thyroid problem. But if it involves any more doctor visits I am just sticking with the dieting. I have been to my regular doctor only ONCE this year, and next year I intend to only be there for a flu shot. And of course with my promotion today, I am feeling a bit cocky. I just may get away with a shot next year (with the nurse) and my annual neurology appointment! I am sure going to give it a try.
Anyway, it has been a good day with good news and at least six months in my mind of progress. Tomorrow will be another day, and one on which I intend to conquer France….so thank God my mind is still good! (I thought about using that line today in the doctor’s office but am now glad I didn’t….I would have been seeing him every 90 days most likely)
So for now it is off to bed! I hope your day was wonderful. I know mine was!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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