Intensity and trust……

It has been a pretty intense few days here at the Tirman home. We are in the middle of a few major decisions that not could, but will effect, our family for years to come. These decisions do not involve illegal organ donations or selling any of the kids, but they are pretty big ones for us.

Unfortunately however, they are also matters that I am not at liberty to share at this point, but ones that I am asking you to pray for guidance for us as we make them. It is difficult, particularly for Amanda, and I just hope things will become clearer over these next few days.
Ultimately, despite gathering all the data and picking our path, we must put things into the Hand of God and trust that He is walking with us in this. In truth, there is no better place to trust and hope.
So thank you in advance for your prayers and support. We appreciate them a great deal.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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