Danger! Danger! Beware lacrosse teams, Missouri, and Arkansas!

Danger, danger!! Yep, I just LOVE our lacrosse team. After losing a real solid group of girls our team has really stepped up. Where last year we a great team with a few big stars, this year we seem to have a great team with our own galaxy!

Tonight we played Cathedral, and although we lost, it was not by much. Our defense was solid, our skills were certainly B+ material, and the best part was that our scoring was spread out all over. This is BIG, because when the season starts in February (right now we are just playing indoor as a warm-up/development) having teams not know who will put the ball in the net is a big thing! I have been more excited about this than any other year I have coached.
And of course now I will miss the next game and put it into the hands of one of my Assistant Coaches……Jack Russell. I will be leaving tomorrow for a week long, mostly work, trip to Little Rock, Arkansas. I say “mostly work” because my first stop will be in St. Charles, Missouri to take Stephanie out to dinner. Yep, I am driving just so I can do that too! But if it is like the last time I will get to take her to dinner, buy her a few things, and then sit in my hotel why she does the college Saturday night thing. I do not mind though, because ultimately it is not about me…..and I am old and will be fine in the hotel.
So it is off to bed for me! Scotty will be taking his SAT tomorrow while I am driving so I can visit him next year like his sister. These kids will do anything for a dinner with their dad!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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