The return of the referee….

I am once again in the north, although I am not yet home. I am in a hotel in Effingham, Illinois where I am hopefully going to bed soon. The great part is that I will be home tomorrow and perhaps can pick Ben up to go goof off a little after lunch.

I spoke to Ben tonight who was in trouble. He was crying uncontrollably, and all I really could get out of him was that he was upset that his mommy was mad at him. Later Amanda told me that he had cried for the last hour because she would not buy him an Ironman toy, but he’s just 3, and I am sure that just could not be the case. Stopping for the night disappoints me, but I suppose it keeps me in a better position to mediate that conflict tomorrow. But let’s face it…..women just do not understand the male need for action figures as kids and it just gets worse for them in understanding us as adults. Clearly they need help!
But for now I am in a nice room (the last they had) and I have the air down COLD (the last night I have for that too) and I am pretty relaxed. I am just 170 miles from home, but have already traveled 450 today, and I am ready to be home, but for now more ready for bed. I need my beauty rest for my return tomorrow. If Amanda and Ben are still fighting, at least the dog will be happy to see me!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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