A peace of carpet, a glass of whine, and thou……

Well it’s just Viper and I, and the cat I suppose, here at home alone tonight. Amanda has abandoned me for a weekend at Lindenwood to see Steph, and I am left with pulling up carpet in preparation for its replacement early next week. We are putting our house up for sale, and are carpeting the upstairs and stairwell, as well as having new counter tops installed. If you know of anyone looking for a house with an awesome back porch, please let them know that I will throw in the cat.

But for now I am out here and just enjoying the peace and quiet. It is perfect…..52 degrees, and yes, I have the ceiling fan on. I am a BIG FAN of the cool weather, and I not only love it, but to type this blog I sit under a BIG FAN…..I do hope the irony is not lost on you dear reader!
But tonight really represents more than just some peace and quiet….something BIG happened tonight as well. You see, I was originally not coming home until tomorrow, but with a game tonight I made arrangements for my rookie Assistant Coach, Jack Russell (yeah, I know…..just like Russell Crowe) to coach the game. He is a talented soul, and just thought I would stay away tonight and give him a shot.
WELL……he not only coached the Lady Millers to victory by TWO…….but he did it without a GOALIE. He is AWESOME. I think I will ask him for a job at practice!
So it has been and is a great day. I have one more room to pull up, and then the stairs. It may all wait until tomorrow. I am enjoying this peace and quiet just too much to let it go!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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