Tom the Builder….yes I can!

I thought about writing a particularly serious entry this evening, because something happened to me a while ago, and I have been meaning to address it. BUT, I have been working feverishly on our house today, and I just do not have it in me. And, I am currently VERY BEHIND on where I thought I would be.

So I am on the porch once again with our “free” alarm system, who is fast asleep on the porch floor. I don’t blame him, after all he has a pretty tough life…..sleeping all day and riding in the car and all. Who wouldn’t be exhausted after all that? I do imagine that he will find it in him to get up and eat just as soon as I fill up his food bowl……even though he had a McDonald’s cheeseburger when I stopped to get myself a Diet Coke.
So tonight my blog lacks purpose and direction, a lot like my ministry I am told, but I really never listen (yes, that is a joke….at least the latter part). I am just pleased to be home and am within just a couple of hours of having all the tack strips pulled up from the old carpet. As I understand it, the new carpet will be in town at least on the 18th. We hope to see it installed next week.
My next big job will be to paint the baseboards tomorrow and possibly replace that door jam on the back door. The house really doesn’t need too much, and that is a good thing. The next major job will be to remove the kitchen counters and sink the day before the new ones are installed. My ability to do these things is saving us a ton of money, and since it is money we do not currently have, this is a good thing.
So I guess I will go make my hands bleed some more….I mean pull up some more tack strips. The good news is that I am on my 8th day off blood thinners in preparation for a procedure on Monday, so a nick will not make me lose most of my weight. And without the blood stains, those baseboards should be a total breeze to paint!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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