What??? They’re coming home???

Mercy me, the house is a mess. I have been removing carpet, padding, staples, and doing laundry. What I haven’t been able to do is to get it all done, so things are a bit of a mess. I did however, get all the carpet done. Amanda and Ben will be returning from Lindenwood this evening.

I’d like to think that this was merely a mis-calculation of the total amount of work and not an “age of the worker” thing, so we will just go with that….okay? Regardless, the good part is that my working to get this done saved a lot of money…..something I will be saying again and again as she and I talk about all that laundry on the couch. (It’s clean because I washed it! I just didn’t fold it…..I’m a guy)
So I suppose I will just wave the white flag, because I am really just too tired to do much else. At least I will live to be an indentured servant another day!
Good night my friends and God Bless!

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