What Lassie??…..Superman has fallen into the well…….???

I am a bit out of sorts today, having spent much of the day at the doctor’s (a specialist). He told me to take it easy for the next few days, which made me laugh because I live with a three year old (currently dressed as Superman) and such advise is nearly impossible. What I can say was that my uncontrollable laughter made me clearly happy he was not a psychiatrist…….I’d probably then be resting in the unit!

But I am doing my best to honor his directions. Of course that meant that I would get the call this afternoon, which I did…..the carpet installers will be here first thing in the morning. Timing doesn’t appear to be going my way. I will get through it though.
But my rest is ending right now because Superman is now in trouble with his mom who is frantically painting the baseboards before the carpet……something I had hoped to have accomplished yesterday. And Superman has been running around rather than staying in bed here with me watching the TV. I have never heard of anyone saving Superman, but tonight it happens here. The cool part is that it will be something else I am sure I can add to my resume!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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