In memory of……………..SNOW PLOWS

I drove about 70 miles today on 2 state highways, through three fairly large municipalities, and about a mile in and out of the small town in which we live.  With Scotty home and commandeering my truck, I was force to journey out in “Marine Mom One,” which is also known as my wife’s CRV but it does have the Marine Mom plate on the front, barely visible as it is RED.

But it snowed last night, and it was still snowing in the early morning when I left.  In fact, it snowed ALL DAY and for “here” we got a fairly decent amount of accumulation.  Our town, Edgewood is just 512 acres of land, and has a population of just under 1900 total….BUT the streets here at 6:30 am were cleared as they had been plowed.

Plowing is actually something we do all the time in the north where I am from.  It is basically just pushing, or “plowing” the snow off the road so it is clear to drive on.  We do this up north in what we like to call “Winter,” which are months that it tends to snow, onto the ground and onto the roads.

Now Edgewood is about 40 miles NE of the center of Indianapolis, so to me I am living in the DEEP SOUTH, and here in the deep south it appears that it is only in my little town that ANY plowing gets done.  Oh I did see one (1) IDOT plow at about 6pm when I was returning, but it was just a couple of miles outside of Edgewood heading toward the much larger town of Lapel that sports just about 100 more people than here.  But other than THAT, I saw ZERO other plows all day, and still the only place good to drive was at home.

Granted, plowing costs money, but there’s got to be a reason.  Perhaps Indiana and all the major burgs overspent at Christmas, I don’t know.  But the lawn guys with plows were all over the place, they just don’t do things cars drive on… roads!  Go figure.

I suppose however I might be expecting too much.  So I will stop my complaining and try and show some compassion.  Today I hold up the memory of the now apparently extinct snow plow.  I missed you today buddy, in fact all day.  And since I couldn’t get a picture of you maybe my readers can enjoy the quick picture I took of the front of my house upon my arrival back home tonight.

The snow in my yard is about 4-5 inches deep……..but a heck of a lot more drivable than those roads you didn’t get plowed today.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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