Living in the midst of disappointment…..

I had the opportunity to watch my beloved Chicago Bears play this afternoon at home against the Washington Redskins. It was truly an amazing game, and one which I had to get close to the TV to make sure it really wasn’t the Cubs playing instead.

I mean, even CLEVELAND WON today. All we could seem to do was get out quarterback sacked every other play through the first half, and then the completions we made to guys wearing Washington Redskins jerseys and the fumbles almost put me over the top. Generally I watch the Bears and the Cubs (and even Notre Dame) to relax……I have to say, it is not working this year.
I have no delusions that I could do better. And as a former athlete and now a coach, I know I have had (and have) my share of people shaking their heads at me occasionally. It really is all part of playing…..sometimes you have it and sometimes you don’t…..and sometimes you REALLY DON’T. It seems as if the year is getting longer, and thank God I didn’t like all that science in school because now in my ignorance I can say that it is longer!
But sports have taught me some important lessons in life. I have learned many lessons on important topics such as competition, being a better player, mistakes, and recovering from mistakes too. Mental attitude, especially in trying times, and the concept of loyalty have all been monumental as well.
The last two I will hold onto today. I love the teams I have loved all my life, not because of who they are on any given day, but for what they have always been to me… team.
It is going to be a rough year apparently, and of course the science people (I think my wife the microbiologist calls them “scientists”) are saying that this year is definitely one of the longest on record. But I will still be there rooting them on…….I am what I am, but a true fan through and though.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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