Thank God for Scotty…..

This afternoon, Scotty and I took out our counter tops in anticipation of the new ones being installed tomorrow, saving our family approximately $750,000….at least we felt it should be worth that much. It was a very puzzling endeavor, particularly considering that we do a lot of different kinds of work, but we just couldn’t figure it out.

Oddly enough, it was Scotty who hit the counter and we discovered that it was only caulked on and not screwed. It was a quick job from there. It looks like the installers will have a clear path, and for that, we are both thankful.
I probably should say a little about the work to prepare our house for sale and for our hope to move. I apparently have caused a bit of an uproar by it.
Yes, we do hope to move, and we have been thinking about areas. NO….I am not leaving my job though, which is where apparently the anxiety is….okay, maybe it is rejoicing, I should really find out, but we just intend to move from where we are to somewhere else, and have had that on our radar for quite some time.
You see, I am really never in one place for more than two Sundays in a row and travel often. Amanda works for Lilly, and to be honest, without a readily accessible Interstate, it takes a long time to get to work. We have been waiting for Scott to graduate, and he will (we think) in May. The time to get busy therefore is now.
And we are ready to POUNCE! If we find what we want we will make an offer. Our house will be ready to list by Saturday, and we will go from there. For parishioners who are praying for us to move….sorry!! We are in for the long-haul! hahahahaha!
Goodnight and God Bless!

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