No delusions here…..

It is our break at school, but since no one else is on break, we had to play our game tonight shorthanded.

It was not that bad either, although we lost. We had a goalie who had put on the equipment just 5 minutes before (she did OUTSTANDING!!! AND she took the equipment home!), and we really controlled the ball most of the game.
Indoor however, never really concerns me… is the regular season that does, and this indoor season just makes me hopeful. The girls may get frustrated, but I get excited because I see the potential and the things beginning to come together. Where they focus upon the game and even the play they are in, I see the big picture, and to be honest, it looks more and more like a masterpiece everyday! It is such a privilege to be at the helm of this team.
So tonight I take rest in what may seem to believe is my delusion, but what I know to be the truth….for when we take the field in our full uniforms and our stands full of fans in March these girls will be far different. I can hardly wait. It is going to be a great year!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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