A night of refusal……..

Well, some days he just refuses to get his picture taken, and today was one of those days. And since we no longer live in an era of being able to force anything other than husbands to do things they do not want to do, all you readers must settle for the snap of him (unauthorized) on the kitchen floor.

The good news for me however is that I was able to get a lot done, since much of it did not require either supervision or approval. I am just thankful to get to the end of this day. Productivity always seems more rewarding when you are thinking back to it from your own bed.
Tomorrow will come soon enough though. I have just one service and then a communion visit. PT will be doing three services tomorrow, so please keep him in your prayers. He is covering a retirement community as their regular pastor recovers from prostate cancer…..that’s the third service. He is a very dedicated and giving soul. The people love him everywhere, and particularly at that retirement community. I understand he often has to present ID to leave the building!
So I will hit the hay while I can. Amanda is down working on her Sunday School lesson and Ben, oddly enough, is here in my room (pj’s and all) watching Sprout and telling me he wants each and every toy from each and every commercial on it.
Too bad he wouldn’t let me take his picture…………….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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