My personal trailer……

I really cannot decide whether our dog is a stalker or whether he is in some way tethered to me with some sort of invisible rope. All I can say is that when Scotty is not home I feel like I am towing a trailer. He follows me everywhere……and I mean EVERYWHERE.

Of course this whole concept both irritates and amazes me at the same time. I really do not need anyone guarding the door of my bathroom or making sure no one else comes into my shower. When I walk into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee from typing just a few feet away, he apparently thinks I need supervision. He reminds me of my wife when we were dating.
What amazes me is that he finds my life so very fascinating, whereas I would love to be him. Viper sleeps, eats, and then sleeps again. It seems a pretty good life. The question is why he would want to give any of those up things to follow me anywhere.
But the truth is he does. As an example, I just got up from the kitchen table to go talk to Ben in the bathroom. He was next to me in the kitchen, on the trip there and back, and has now settled in next to my feet back in the kitchen. I would ask when it will end, but I know……anytime, because Scotty is on his way home right now.
Yep, in just a few minutes he will act like I don’t even exist…..just like my wife at a Justin Bieber concert. But I am okay with it, really. Not that Justin and my wife deserve each other, because I really was talking about the dog. And in truth, he is really not mine, but Scott’s. And I am really not equipped to be towing a trailer.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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