Of Daylight Savings Time…….

I grew up in Indiana and am not a fan of what they call “Daylight Savings Time.” This concept “ends” tonight, and all it means is that all the people will show up either an hour late or early, depending upon which way the clocks change. And generally when they do show up either late or early they are embarrassed, which is unnecessary in my book, since I am from a state that didn’t change its clocks until recently.

So God Bless our legislature and government here in Indiana who thought this was a good idea. Sure it stays light in the summer here until around 2 in the morning, but I go to bed WAY before that. AND, as a parent of a three year old, I am uncomfortable boarding up his windows to keep the light out when he should be sleeping. I will be looking to get that extra hour of sleep tomorrow and his 3 year old little built-in clock will wake him up at the same time he always does at “2”…..meaning 2 early!
But the good news is that by January I should be adjusted to the change. Ironically, my watch stopped working this afternoon. I was thinking about getting it fixed, but if we keep messing with the time then what’s they worry?
Goodnight (I think) my friends and God Bless!

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