Oh no…….

One of the coolest things about living in a state that has always not followed daylight savings time (yes, it is not capitalized because it is not important!) is that people here are used to a lifetime of leaving their clocks alone. So this is to say that now we are living under this ridiculous concept, it will take people like us weeks to get all the clocks set to the correct time.

But of course, I took advantage of it tonight. Scott was working and was going to be home at 9:30. He had been busy all day and really had not paid attention. So when he arrived home (at 9:30) I took the opportunity to ask him (in my best “I’m your dad and you are in trouble” voice) “Hey, what happened to 9:30?” He of course looked up at the three clocks he could see and all said 10:30. He was horrified, albeit just for a minute, not know what to say. But then he remembered and we laughed off a pretty decent joke.
But for now, he and Ben are watching some sort movie, I am typing and Amanda is hiding upstairs. All of us are hoping that Steph is studying hard at school, which we believe to be the case since we have not been contacted by any bail bondsmen.
The nice part though is that another Sunday is in the books and bed is just a short time away. The time change is only confusing in the fall, but at least it does not exhaust me. And I am really enjoying that fact that everything I HAVE to do for these next few months is an hour extra away!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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