I can see the surface from here……

Yep, underwater……at least for now. I am keeping up, but not catching up, although I hope to be caught up by the end of the week.

And because of it all, Scotty, Ben, and Amanda got to go to Veggietales Live tonight while I installed two new bathroom faucets and drains. That leaves me with just one major “to do” project here…….I need to replace a fan in Amanda’s craft room. It should take about ten minutes if I do not electrocute myself, and much less than that if I do.
But the good news is that we have got most of our ducks in a row and should be able to move right around the time we close. Of course that whole “packing” thing still awaits, but I am hoping to just break a few valuables in the first 10-15 minutes or so and get relieved from duty. It’s always worth a shot.
So Captain Veggietale is now watching TV with me while I type. He had a great day, and so have I. My hope and prayer is that you have too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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