(re) Living my superhero dreams…….

Nothing much to report today, but at least I have a great picture posted. Ben was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween, and although just about everyone either called him Buzz or asked him if he was Buzz, he was more than irritated, because he was just Ben. Oh yes, the one dimensional toddler mind.

But it is great to deal with when you are a parent. When Stephanie and Scott were little I used to often wear a superman t-shirt under my clerical shirt. I had, and still have, no delusions….at least not of that sort. BUT, I would often unbutton it enough in a nonchalant way so they would catch a glimpse of it. I would then turn to see the wide-eyed and then hold up my finger to my mouth and say “shhhhhh, make sure you do not tell anyone.” Yep, they both believed I was Superman for years.
And Scott has apparently picked up where I had left off, because Ben thinks Scott is Spiderman. How he arranged that I do not know, but who am I to interfere? After all, I did it for years, and although Scott does not need his little brother to idolize him one bit more, it is hilarious to see. Hopefully we will still be insured when Ben’s therapy bills come in.
So I suppose I am the “retired” superhero of the house now, particularly since there are no superheroes I know who need to lose a few pounds, can’t see all that well, and are often confused. I will just need to live through them for now, for my days of leaping over tall buildings are long gone. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy may be getting a new roommate sooner than they think.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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