Remembering the good ones……..

Sarah, our mom, and Steph

Today is my sister Stephanie’s birthday, and had she not passed away November of 2001 she would be getting a phone call from me harassing her for being 51.  My search for a picture of her, as I have MANY, proved unsuccessful and did nothing but irritate me.  My sister and I drove each other nuts, but we also had a great deal of respect for her.  And she and my sister Sarah (who died in 2004) were two of the most amazing women I know…..okay they were really not women, they were sisters. (brothers will understand).


But I think about them both often, particularly on their birthdays.  I tend to look at pictures on those days and yes, it generally depresses me a great deal because quite simply I love them both and miss them terribly.  They were total pros as sisters, devoting their young lives to constant covert attacks upon me, and quite often, more than not in fact, I deserved it.

Deep down however, behind all the sibling nonsense of our youth, we knew we cared about each other and could count on each other.  And we did.


Both of them had children too.  Steph’s daughter Amelia lives in Southern Indiana and Sarah’s two kids Griffin and Katie live in Virginia.  And believe me, it breaks my heart that they all did not have more time with them.  I would have liked more time myself.

BSU – Steph is the short one

So tonight I went back and downloaded pictures I have posted on this date for the last few years.  There is even one with both of them with our mom who passed from Alzheimer’s in 2011.

Stephanie and her namesake my daughter

Sure I admit, it does depress me because I miss them.  But few people have the blessings I had in growing up with them all.  Happy Birthday (you old goat!)  I love you and miss you!

Steph and her namesake Stephanie my daughter

Steph at Ball State BSU Gymnastics

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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