In the presence of Tirman genius…

Genetically he is doomed to be a clown, but nothing is more fascinating that a clown with brains……and in a family of comedians, he may be the most brilliant one ever.

But there was nothing funny about tonight. Ben was a grouch, and it really didn’t matter what was going on or offered, he just didn’t like it. First of all, he wanted fudge for dinner, and not just any fudge, but fudge Amanda made to send to his sister in college. He was not only ready to send her down the river for it, but through an absolute fit about it not being a healthy choice for his main course.
In round two, the dinner we made he decided he didn’t like and after being put in time-out, got to watch a plate with 6 tater tots cooling on the table for him to come try. And though prompted to get out of time-out to eat them, he had deeper, darker plans. He threw a second fit, because he suddenly didn’t “like” tater tots, so I instructed Scotty to eat them.
Of course that was a big mistake, because now we had wronged him. Amanda was at the store, so he was playing the room, and he was doing it well….so well in fact that he got me to make him a peanut butter sandwich, something he never turns down.
It turns out he turned it down tonight. I thought it was just because he was stubborn, but clearly it was part of his brilliant master plan. So as Scotty and I asked, begged , and then demanded that he eat that sandwich he got me to take a step too far…..reverse psychology (which often works). I said, “don’t you eat that sandwich Ben, don’t you dare eat it.” He looked up at me, and I said again, “Don’t you eat that sandwich…..its Viper’s (the dog)”
Yep, he smiled, patiently took a hold of the sandwich, and walked across the room and gave it to the dog. We were dumbfounded……he had us all along. I told Scotty dinner was over and to take my debit card out of my wallet and get them some ice cream. I was in the presence of sheer genius. Scotty conceded the same.
So tomorrow morning, very very early, Einstein and his mom will board a plane for Kansas until Monday to see his nanny. It will give me some time to recover. I just cannot believe I was schooled by a 3 year old!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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