You’re hired…….

I am not sure why this is happening, but when my wife is away (this and the last few times) I tend to be pretty productive.

This is the case this week. I have made preliminary arrangements for my mom to be transferred from the nursing home here in Noblesville to one in Anderson. I have hired a moving company. I have hired an insurance agent. And, had I not been so exhausted today, I would have hired a leasing agent for our current home.
But the good news is that it is all behind us, at least that part. There is a TON of packing to do, a little bit of paperwork to work out, and a lot I am probably not even thinking about because my wife is not here to tell me. So this is to say, I will just enjoy my delusion through Monday night!
And I chose my blog picture carefully, because I am actually a fan of Donald Trump. He, like me, is savvy, is known for his great looking hair, and is married to a woman more beautiful than his pay grade. And both of us have a solid grounding in reality.
So for now I will just call it a day. Yep, at 8 o’clock…..what a wild man. But while others might consider going out, I’ll be plotting my next move. Who knows who I could hire next? Maybe there is a future for me on reality TV.
I doubt it…..Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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