Lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely…….

I turned on my computer tonight and my Skype account automatically signed in. It is a program that allows video chat between two computers, and we use it to talk to Steph, Amanda’s mom and Amanda’s sister.

But shortly after it signed on a message appeared on the screen from Steph……..”Hi DAD! Is Ben around?” I miss her, but I am apparently not her first choice to talk to. Of course I cannot be mad about it, because as I survey all of them, I am often on the bottom of the list.
Yep, I hear about important stuff for all the kids mostly from my wife. They all talk frequently and, quite honestly, are probably deciding what they will do with the insurance money when I finally kick. (I however intend to live past 100) I often learn things well after they happen, and am getting quite used to my “need to know” status.
But tonight the house is empty and it would be great to just be a little closer to the top……I mean with someone other than the dog.
Oh well, at least I am number one with him…..after all, no one else is home!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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