Stress relief…..

I think I might buy myself a decompression chamber. I am not sure whether you can get one on Amazon, but I am pretty sure they probably have them on EBay. Of course I am not sure if they alleviate stress anyway, but at this point I am about ready to try anything.

The big issue for me right now is to just get to the closing. This of course require everyone to be on the same page, and sadly, the ONLY part that is lagging behind is lagging on our side of the transaction. It is both frustrating and embarrassing, and something that makes me feel pretty powerless in all of this. One of my friends has said to just put it in God’s Hands, but as I have always replied (and did today) my life seems a lot less stressful when the Lord Himself operates on my schedule. He never seems to want to do that, so for now I am just going to have to deal with the stress.
The good news is that beyond this post all I am waiting for is to take the acid, I mean the medicine, that I have been ingesting for the lion’s share of the week for the infection I had. It has been an “icky” week, and although the stress will carry into next week (we intend to move the day after Thanksgiving) at least there is victory in the fact that I have survived this week.
As a distraction for myself, I have been reading Peter Sellers’ quotes, especially since my complete set of Pink Panther movies are packed. But at least I can still laugh at it all. In time all this will be but a memory, which my mind I will probably forget anyhow. So why should I worry? There are plenty of people with more pressing problems than me. Perhaps I should just pray for them…that I will.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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