
Although this blogpost is for January 5th, I waited to post it until the morning of the 6th (The Epiphany for those of you who follow the Church Calendar) since it was what everyone considered a “major storm.”  And here, in parts south of Indiana, those words should be heeded as we just do not have the equipment down here to handle such storms….PLUS the temperatures will be BELOW ZERO.   And with the amount of snow we have, it just won’t look like enough, thus a picture from The Epiphany (or January 6th for those of you who follow the secular calendar).

But I am also pleased to announce that in my running around in the snow a bit today (when people from where I am from say the words “running around in the snow” they mean out and about in their truck) I actually witnessed a MIRACLE……the resurrection of what we call PLOWS.  Yes, I saw them with my own eyes, and I also saw them spreading ice melt.  (We used to say “salt,” which it indeed still may be, but it is now a very distinguishable BLUE….more like icky cake sprinkles than salt).  And all and all, they did a pretty good job with the Tom Tirman Award for BEST Snow Plowing, once again going to my town, Edgewood, Indiana.  (A Dynasty of snowplow domination in the making!)

But my assumption is that these next few days, although quite cold, will be nostalgic.  A foot or so inches of snow on the ground will look like what we called “WINTER” up in my hometown of Mishawaka, Indiana.  The roads, while still covered, will be pretty clear I imagine, and everything else will look very clean and pure, covered in a blanket of white.

Call me crazy, but I enjoy it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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