Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear……….

Yes, another “oldie,” but a “goodie” as they say. But it certainly expresses in a humorous way how I am feeling tonight…….like I have been bitten by a shark!  Not that I would know, mind you. You may find it surprising to discover that Indiana, although it does have a few miles of beach on the northern border of our country, is actually void of sharks…..unless of course they are there on vacation.

But I feel bitten as so much is going on at once that it has been a bit overwhelming. And although my experience is more among the common Indiana squirrel (crazious rodent indecicivous) the analogy is still good. A bite is wounding in some way, and it often draws more sharks. The need is to get to a safe place, but as I said, I am from Indiana, so my tendency is to dart off in 50 random directions, often all at once, like a squirrel. I think this is one reason why squirrels never can never keep jobs, as they appear over-worked and random. But in fact, as I have maybe 20 of them that live in my yard, I can say that they are pretty efficient.

A bite however hurts. And it definitely can slow you down, and a random non-intentional path does nothing to get you out of the water, yet it’s important to do so…….for staying in the water often leads to more sharks. I know that the back fill behind all this may be vague, after all I went from quite a few years of continuous daily blogging, to s stutter, then a stop, then an absence, to a pre-Thanksgiving dissertation on the correlation of shark and squirrel theory. But in all honesty it is just me attempting to process my life. And as a man (supremious delusinati) from Indiana (Deus nisi pro eo), I know the path to happiness is to have less of a shark life and more of a squirrel life. It’s okay to be busy, but do your work and be prepared.

So Ben’s shark suit no longer fits, in fact many of his costumes don’t, but the lesson of seeing it is not lost on me. The picture also makes me smile…..another good lesson. Life can bite in places (generally in my gluteous maximus), but we still have plenty for which we can smile. 

After all, the shark-handler (mommious sexious) is my wife. Yep, life can be hard, and sometimes even bite, but everyday I get to come home to that. (and a much older shark).  It’s all about perspective I suppose. So really, I guess I can say, I should really be happy I am not her. After all, she has real problems living with all the sharks and squirrels.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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