A note to myself………

Tom, you started writing your blog again because you completed those additional degrees you started, and they helped you have something to do with your mind instead of blogging.  You started, because after your stoke you had trouble with your memory and putting thoughts together.  (I would write “coherent” but why don’t we just stick with thoughts?)

Yes, you are still not doing anything other than being a priest.  Your recent degrees qualify you to work as a therapist in Clinical Mental Health and Addictions, but if you want to work AT ALL in these fields, then you should apply for more than just TWO positions in 10 months.

Yes, you are remodeling your basement.  And yes, your wife is the designer, which makes it naturally difficult, but most people can work with and for your wife.  What makes you so brain dead on pulling the trigger?  Yes, many years of marriage may be an excuse, however you show better work elsewhere.

So let’s get off this, and get into the race.  Age has nothing to do with it as you are still 18 in your mind, far younger than two of your three kids.  The time is now, and now is painful when you lie about your age, but I did not put that out there, you did.

So somedays you will keep writing, and other days, maybe good days, you won’t.  But you are still at it, and I encourage you, as yourself, to keep making progress.  No one other than some young buck who wants your life will finish it.  It is clear, it is up to you!

AND, take a damn picture of YOURSELF sometime.  YOU EXIST!  People get really tired of you posting pictures of your good-looking kids and dogs.

I love you old man.
