Of dragons, dragonslayers, and those drawn to thinking too much………

I received an email from my Uncle Al quite a few months ago who is not just one of the Patriarchs of my family, but a regular reader of this, my blog. I can still remember a line within it commenting upon my decision to stop writing it, “the dragons must be winning.”

I suppose to some extent he was right in stating that. I hadn’t stopped my blog for any reason in particular, other than I was tired, my life had changed, and I was under the impression that the primary reason for my blogging, cognitive therapy to address symptoms of the stroke I had suffered n 2008, was no longer needed. Yep, I really felt healed to some extent, or at least to the extent that I thought I would be. I also never even considered any possible regression as a consequence. After all, the body I maintain now by not doing the regime I did as an athlete 35 years ago I am sure is just as fit as the one I had then. What kind of moronic thinking is that?

In fact, Uncle Al was right, and the dragons were winning. And as a guy who always finished on top or at least fought like hell to get there, why was I so compliant about putting myself out to pasture? It was a good question to consider and one I should have done long ago. And what I needed was not some philosophical journey of examination and re-purposing, what I needed was a good swift kick in the pants, although I am drawn to use more descriptive language here.

So let’s get back up to speed here. Yes, I left my position as the Rector of the parishes I was over, and the very capable PT Morgan, who was my assistant has assumed that position. I still am the Superior of an Order, who has I believe suffered deeply from my hiatus from parish life. In truth, I have not celebrated or delivered a Sunday sermon IN A CHURCH in over a year. Yet I have planted many churches and have trained many clergy. The difference? It’s the dragons. I have given up leading for thinking, and I have given up action for hopes of invitation.  But such action, or lack thereof, only allows the dragons to run loose. It’s offensive to me, and I know I am capable of better, and more than that, I know I need to do better.  Dragons don’t have a lot to fear when when those who fight them never engage.

So enough thinking, let me bring this up to date.  But to take the famous words of Inigo Montoya, “No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”

Amanda and I are still married, and although I am sure she sometimes considers homicide (justifiable) to this point she has let me live. Steph graduated from college in May, her Lindenwood Lions made it to the Final Four in NCAA Division II and the finished 3rd in the nation. She now is back at home working as “bench chemist” (her degree is in chemistry) to get some experience before either heading to graduate school or a non-entry level chemist’s position (all chemists start on the bench).

Scotty and Kenzie were married in July and I had the great privilege of officiating at the service, so we can all question its legality. But they moved to an apartment in Temecula, California not too far from Camp Pendleton where Scotty is stationed. Kenzie TIRMAN, is finishing her degree online from there. AND, we now have a “grand-dog” named Bentley who is a favorite of Ben’s.

And as for Mr. Ben, second grade is going marvelously. He has now given up on Minecraft and other games he talked about too much for his new career in meteorology. He knows way too much about the weather, and is always bringing up weather related Armageddon scenarios that he assess by seeing just one dark cloud in the sky. And hanging with him makes me thank Steph every time I see her for not weirding me out like her brothers. I mean if the truth be known, and I had no sons and just three Stephs, I would have three daughters.  Stick with me, I am here all week.

But my point in all of this is that I need to put on some armor and mount my horse and get back at it. Of course since I have no armor and no horse, I would prefer you to take this metaphorically. BUT, I will be looking for people interested to plant in TWO different areas soon……Indianapolis and Marion (Indiana). The primary purpose in this is because that is what I am called to do.  And the second is that I am also taking some classes every week in both locations and stewardship of time and resources is ALWAYS important.

But please pray for me that I move ahead in ways that are a blessing to others. I have noticed my thinking and writing are better when I commit to this, and I also notice a lot more people get reached with the Gospel when I act and don’t theorize. Let me know what you think. Let me know what you suggest. Let me know if you want to go along.

Just let me know. The picture is an oldie but a goodie, but a favorite of mine.

It is a blessing to have written this! I hope it blesses you as well.
