Action shot…….

Scotty is now out of combat training and in North Carolina where he will start his school sometime soon.  But because he is no longer out with a bunch of guys in the wilderness somewhere with a bunch of rifles and grenades, he now is able to call when he is off duty.

So yesterday when he called me we had a great conversation.  I was able to hear about how much stuff he and his fellow Marines blew up and shot up, and we also talked about a few things at home too…….like his brother and his dog (which in real life are often hard to tell apart.)
But Scotty on his last leave, bought himself a new phone and since I knew it worked, I sent him this picture of his brother, I mean his dog…..AS WE SPOKE.  And as you can tell, Viper was really stoked to know I was taking his picture for Scotty.  And yes, he IS alive, as I saw him move a little between the picture and going downstairs….AND he even got into the truck.  And although I am not a veterinarian, I do believe that qualifies as alive.
But for what it is worth, I thought I would share.  A slow news day as they say, and lucky for you I was able to post this action shot!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!