Living into the Changes…….

My life is far different than it was just a couple of months ago.  Stephanie is back at college, Scotty is at boot camp, Ben is in kindergarten, and my mother-in-law (yes, we get along and it is a good thing!) is here till just after Thanksgiving.  It is just a much different life than I was living.

And a real blessing in this is that it has really drawn Amanda and I closer, rather than having the stress come down on us and make things difficult.  It, in ways, has really revived us and put some new life into our sails.  It is really a gift from God, in that it would be a lot harder to have such changes without being there for each other like we are.  It is really pretty wonderful, and for it I am thankful.
So tonight the four of us remaining residents, went to the movies together…..”Hotel Transylvania,” and had a blast.  They all ate popcorn and candy while I had a diet coke.  Oh sure, I snuck abut 10 pieces of popcorn over the course of the movie, but I am holding my course.  I am down just shy of 40 pounds since September 1st.  (Don’t kid yourself, I am still thinking about the popcorn)  But despite the suffering, I enjoyed it.  It’s a blast to hang out and be happy.
So anyway, there is nothing funny or odd to write about tonight…..just a good day.  An exciting day for me, a boring entry to post.  But I will take it.
Occasionally you just need a few victories.  Today was one for me…..and for it I am so very thankful.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The call…….

Tonight at dinner we received “the call.”  It was to Amanda’s cell phone, a total error to what we had agreed to, yet it was a call we were glad to receive.  Amanda took the call.

It basically said, “This is Recruit Tirman.  I have arrived safely in San Diego.  The next time time you will hear form me will be two weeks in a letter.  I love you.  Good-bye.”  Amanda has said there was a bit more to it, but she was so shocked she cannot remember all the details.

I could not listen in, and it was over almost before it started, yet it was a great relief to receive.  Scotty is there, as we knew he was.  He is beyond standing in the yellow footprints.  And everyone of the guys in tonight’s picture has made this call.  They all meet THEIR Drill Instructor on Friday (Black Friday…the hardest day of a Marine’s boot camp), and Amanda is asking for volunteers to pray for Scotty (and for his platoon…and particularly for his friends he arrived with) from midnight PST Thursday for 24 hour THROUGH FRIDAY.  Email her for a shift @

We are happy to know he is there and safe and probably SCARED out of his mind!!  Yet, Scotty is not an ordinary man…..he is on his way to being a United States Marine.  And he will make it.  We will watch him march on December 21st in San Diego, 9 full days after becoming a Marine.  He is our hero.  He is our son.  We are proud of him, and we ask your prayers for him and for all who put themselves in harm’s way on our behalf!

Thanks so much!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The Best of the Batch…….

On this, what would have been my sister Sarah’s 48th birthday, I have decided to post about Cookie, one of the first show dogs we produced.  My sister was an animal lover, so I know she would be quite pleased, PLUS this dog’s name is “Angelcreek’s the Best of the Batch,” and her call name is “Cookie.”

Cookie has lived a spectacular life too.  She was the pick of the litter from our first litter, and one of Steph’s primary dogs to show.  She was in a lot of shows with Steph, and even spent time as a science project for a preschool that she visited each week so they could learn about puppies and see how they grow.  She had a pretty sweet life.

Before we moved to our current home, we set aside dog shows and breeding and then placed 4 of our 5 show dogs into good homes…..Cookie was one of those placed dogs.  She has lived in Indiana, and California, and she is now on her way to live in North Carolina…..all with her new owners who also happen to be good friends.  Cookie is now known as “Ralphie,” and has another dog to play with all the time.  And soon, there will be a baby in the home as well….the new home in North Carolina that is.

But today Ben and I were able to deliver the port-a-crib we bought them (a shower gift) to their parents home where they had stopped for a visit on their cross country move.  It was great to see them, as it was great to see Cookie too.  She is one of the best dogs we have ever had, and it was a blessing to see her.

Yep, my sister would have been 48 today, and no doubt I would have rather harassed her.  But as it is I will need to wait awhile for that……so in the meantime, a post about my old friend Cookie will have to do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Scotty’s Ship Day……..

It has been the best, yet one of the hardest days of our lives.  The picture was taken just a couple of minutes before Scotty boarded the bus to take him to the airport for his flight to boot camp.  It was his last time with his brother till Christmas, and it all really was hard enough before they said good bye.  We were all proud, but also torn up inside.  He is our son, and we will not see him or talk to him until Christmas.  He leaves as a young man, and he will return to us, for a short while at least, as a United States Marine.

Amanda has been a mess for over a week, and is a lot worse today.  I am running through the gamut of emotions as well.  If it were not for Amanda however, I would not be doing so well.  Taking care of her seems to help distract me from what I feel.

Scotty is now on a plane somewhere over the US and will arrive in San Diego tonight sometime and make his way off the plane and onto the yellow footprints.  And Although he said he felt prepared, I am certain that this will all far exceed what he thinks will happen.  After all, this is not the SATs, it is the United States Marine Corps.  But I have confidence and faith that he will live up to and live into all that he needs to be.

So tonight it is now only 8pm and we are about to head off to bed.  I am not sure if we will sleep, but it sure would be nice.  For the next 13 weeks I am sure that the sleep will be a bit harder.  But in the end, we are thankful for such a fine son and we know deep down that he will do well.  Today has however been a big day for us all, although much more for Scott and his day is nowhere near over either.  Say a prayer for him, and for all those with him.

Semper Fi Scotty.  We love you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The last night in Indiana for Scotty…….

I cannot say it has been an easy day, but it has been an important one for sure.  This morning our family celebrated the Eucharist together, our last as a family before Scotty becomes a Marine.  It was very meaningful, and it was nice to have us all there.  And, since Amanda’s mom is here till after Thanksgiving, it made it all the more special.

This afternoon then we drove Scotty down to meet his Sargent, (actually he drove us, which is what the picture is of since he will not be driving anymore for quite some time) who then briefed him along with four others before driving them to, and checking them into, their hotel.  He was then ours to take to dinner.  We took two of the others with us too and had a great time.  And although we might be able to see him tomorrow after he swears in, tonight was most likely the last regular meal we will eat with him until he returns.  We took him back to his hotel, and he will be sequestered there until 4:30 tomorrow.  He will then head to where we will see him swear in.

So tomorrow we will see him early, and God willing be able to talk to him a little more.  He will then, along with all the others, head through a gauntlet of parents, family, and well-wishers to a bus that will take him to the airport.  After that we will not see him until graduation.  It is hard, and it is scary, but it is a right and honorable choice, and we are proud of him.  I know he will do fine.

But please pray for him and for us.  Tomorrow morning is our reality, and when he lands at boot camp and steps onto his set of yellow foot prints tomorrow night, that will be his.  We thank God for his commitment and we thank God most of all this day for him.  And we know he will return to us a United States Marine.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Happy Anniversary……..

It is our anniversary today and we had a great time.  We went to Brown County to the very spot where I proposed to her.  I had bought her a bouquet made out of these unbelievable paper flowers made by a woman we met at a craft show in Nashville.  Amanda had bought a center piece from her last Sunday and I had her card, so I gave her a call.  She made a wonderful bouquet too…and Amanda was SO surprised and so pleased!!

In addition to all this, today was Scotty’s last day at home.  Tomorrow night he will stay in a hotel in preparation for leaving for boot camp on Monday morning.  Steph had asked for permission to come home too, so as Amanda and I arrived at the park to renew our vows, there was Steph, Scott, Ben, her mom, and Father Dan and his wife Merry Ann!  It was a marvelous surprise and one that moved her very deeply!  It has been a day to remember!

But with that, I will end this post.  We are spending time with out family tonight on this last night together for quite some time!  Keep us in your prayers, there is still a bit to go.  But today we thank God for our marriage and our family.  What a wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Getting back on the horse…….

I could tell you I had amnesia, or I have been hospitalized for the past week or so, but in all honesty those things would be a lie.  Amanda did encourage me to begin writing my blog again and I did last night, but she was kind of uncomfortable with what I had written.  I certainly understand that, and I respect her opinion.  I still have the entry written, I will just save it for another time.

But what has happened to me is significant.  It has forced me to really reexamine my life, and my priorities.  To say that it has not been a struggle would also be untrue.  Yet I should confess that I am in a far better place than I was a few weeks ago.

I have had a lot of people contact me too.  They all have had concerns for me and my family, and many reminded me of how I should not be surprised that people wonder and speculate (so far EVERYONE has been wrong) about what has been happening.  I had shared my concern over that, and have come to realize that it should have been an expected by-product from regular readers of my blog.  My blog has been all about me and my life since the stroke, and people really have a glimpse into my life.  My hiatus was probably like the end of the year soap opera cliff hanger.  It was not intended to be, but I probably really did not have a way around it other than to work through the pain.  I chose to take a step back instead.

What I can say is that tomorrow Amanda and I will be celebrating our anniversary (the poor girl) and we have a lot to do.  I am looking forward to it too.  I will type more about she and I tomorrow, but for now let me say that I wanted to just let her know in the morning when she gets up, that I climbed back onto the proverbial (blog) horse.  That will bless her I know.

So this is to say, I am still here and most probably back.  Nope, nothing sarcastic or funny to say tonight…….just a heart full of thankfulness.  I am thankful for my family and for people who care…….and I am surrounded by them on every side.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


On being mushy, and other fine thoughts……

As I prepared to write this tonight Amanda made the comment, “you have been pretty mushy lately.”  It confused me as I was not all that sure that it was about my posts, or that my last two weeks of not being in bootcamp has allowed me to get a little soft.  I am better though on the prior not the latter, as I am still losing weight and still making progress.  And even more so, I honestly am happy to be a bit mushy about my life sometimes.  It reminds me of the many blessings God has bestowed upon me.

So here I am at the computer typing away about life.  I read other bloggers occasionally, and was surprised to learn that some people actually make a living doing it.  I am obviously not one of those people.  My preference is to give and not take.  Sure, if one of you wants to send me a big check or make a big contribution to our ministry I would be sure to cash it, but the purpose of my writing has nothing to do with any type of solicitation at all.
I suppose I should rehash why I started…… was originally to share with people to challenges and battles of a conservative priest in these tumultuous times.  Then, a stroke came along and it changed not just my life at the time, but the course of this blog.  It became daily therapy for my brain, and in it I began to share stories about my life……as dull as that it,.
Today, I feel a bit different.  My stroke is behind me, I still get on here and type, and I still make no living from doing this.  I still want to offer, I still want to give, and I still intend to write.  The question is, “what is the reason for doing so now?”
And here is my best answer…..for today.   I am many things, a priest, the head of an Order, a husband, a father, a friend, and quite a few other things too.  I live my life “vocationally” in that despite not being in the roll of priest, or husband or father all the time, I am indeed one at every minute.  I do not check in and out of my life.  But I hope that my writings become to you a teaching for the fact that God calls us all to many things, and they are quite often not all that stereotypical.  I really had some assumptions of what priests were when I was you, and I have to confess I fit very few of them.  I am a guy, and I live a life like many of you.  My life has joys and pains, wonders and struggles.  Some days I do God proud, others I fail Him miserably…..just like anyone else.   Some people look at me and think, “gosh he is so wonderful, a wonderful saint of God”  yet you can ask my wife and kids, particularly on a bad day, how they feel.  You probably wouldn’t get a confession, but I am sure you would get a chuckle……and it’s okay.  
So this is to say, I hope this blog can offer you some insights into the life of me, just a guy, called to be many things, including a priest, a husband, and a father.   I am pretty normal I swear.  And I am glad you follow along with me in life.  According to my page this blog has been read about 115,000 times.
And as for my lovely bride, sorry honey, but I still will be mushy.  And no, not in a “I really do wish Richard Simmons would come live with us” kind of way.  I love my life and I love my wife.  And I just thought all of you ought to know.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A Double Post…….

I know, I know…….I missed another blog entry, and although this has been a constant daily discipline for me, yesterday I really did miss for good reason.  And in truth every time I have ever missed it has been for good reason.  My hiatus has caused a lot of stir and speculation, so let me say this……it was about Amanda and me, period.  Not our kids, our jobs, our relatives, or our pets…..just us.  And we BOTH took the time to work it out.  People should really be more supportive and not gossipy.

But this weekend has been all bout being supportive.  Yesterday was Scotty’s Open House before heading to boot camp, and it was filled with some very amazing people……including a few other Marine recruits….one whom Scotty is with right now because he leaves tomorrow.  All of these young men are men of honor.  I am glad to call one of them my son.

It was a blast too.  We had a lot of food, we had a lot of great friends, and we had a lot of fun.  It was from 5-9 (supposedly) but at 1in the morning I was still up. This would have been fine had it been a Friday, but it was not.  We were leaving for our Church in Nashville between 6-7 AM.  And there was just not enough time.

But we did make it……in two cars.  And St. Matthew’s (Scotty’s last parish visit) had a cookout for him as well.  Fr. Dan and Scotty are pretty close.  PT and Danny really stepped in to help be role models for him.  And Danny (Sgt. Dan Conley USMC) presented Scotty with his Eagle Globe and Anchors that he wore not only though his service in the States, but during all his time in Vietnam, including the Tet Offensive.  It was an emotional time and it was an inspirational time.  Scotty will wear those proudly when he returns from boot camp.  To me, they are BOTH heroes

And tonight’s pictures are from this afternoon.  My favorite is the one of Amanda, Scott, and I…..but her’s is the other because I am smiling. What I can say, is that she brightens every picture to me, so I like her’s best.  But the cool part is to be with our son at a celebration of the sacrifice he is intending to make for our country!  We could not be any prouder.  And tonight, we wanted to share these pictures with you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The Lead Team……

In preparation for tomorrow’s Open House for Scotty (Saturday, 5-9pm at our house) we hired some security to sweep the premises.  Sure, we will have quite a few Marines here (as they tell me ONE Marine is enough) but you should always be more prepared.

Yes, this is Viper, Scotty’s dog who had to get an emergency bath and haircut at the Petsmart today as someone (me) forgot to get him into his regular groomer!! But he was kind of “stinky” and we really felt that it would not be all that nice to have him at the Open House in that condition while people were eating.  So he got all shined up for the big day.

By his attire, you probably are able to tell just who it was who picked him up…..Scotty and Ben.  And when they came in the door, he was already dressed and will remain that way through the party.  I am certain that those who see him guarding us will think “what an incredible ploy it is to look like he is sleeping all the time, he is probably a brilliant killer.”  And perhaps that is just what we ought to let people believe.  He will be 9 in January, and we really do appreciate this important work he does.  He works for cookies you know.

So preparations continue for the big day!  Marines, guard dogs, and good food.  Who could ask for more?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
