Happy Birthday to me…..

Yes, today I celebrated my 51st birthday.  My wife and daughter were in Kansas, although I expect them back at anytime to celebrate here with my mother-in-law, but this morning I was feeling a bit puny…

You see, only Ben and Scotty were here.  Ben slept in my bed “to keep his mom’s spot warm” and Scotty came down on the way to USMC physical training (PT), he walked right by me.  He was ZONED.  He called me later to wish me a Happy Birthday not ever remembering he talked to me!  So it was up to Ben!

To his credit, he sang to me on the way to Muncie, where we had lunch with my Uncle Phil.  My Uncle Phil seemed a bit surprised that I was up there having lunch with him on my birthday, but it meant a LOT to me.  In all honesty, life often seems as if it is slipping away to me.  I was at his wedding my Aunt Suzie when I was 10!!!  Family is the sure foundation of a stable life…..and I am blessed to have a good one!  It was a high honor for me today!!

And it meant even more as this was the first birthday I had without my mom or my grandma.  Sure, my mom sometimes didn’t even know what day it was, but at least I could be there to see her.  And today was the first birthday I have ever remembered not talking to my grandma…but today was because I couldn’t.

Another blessing was that Ben took this picture himself and of himself, so I decided to use it.  And I have crossed photographer off of the lest of potential careers for him I would recommend.  He will think it is pretty cool though.

So today I rejoice that I am on this earth yet another year, and that I am blessed with a wonderful family.  It has been a great day so far!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Killing time……

Today I, and my assistant Ben Tirman, picked up Father Robert and went to an all day meeting in Nashville that is a preliminary requirement for people entering the Novitiate of our Order. It was a great meeting, and Ben was pretty good in terms of behaving.  He spent most of his time in the playroom/nursery keeping himself busy with Avenger things……

The day ended late, but it was indeed good to get home.  I was able to water all our newly planted trees, which was nice, but as I came out to the front yard I discovered that we had lost huge parts of two other trees in out front yard.

Now although this happens often on a property that had 29 full grown trees before I planted the 5 new ones, but it did cause some problems.  First of all, I cut up and burn those branches normally.  I use my chain saw, and then I haul them to a burn pile.  BUT, our garden is now planted where our burn pile is.  We just don’t have this problem when the garden is in, but now we do.  I am hoping for a solution to make itself known.

Of course this is partially why we had the truck, because I could haul things to a burn pile off the property then.  But I am now without a truck, and without a burn pile…..but I do have a TREE and it is a massive job.

The other problem is that tomorrow is my birthday, and I had just a couple of easy and enjoyable things scheduled.  I however should not whine, as I DO HAVE HELP.  Ben is still with me alone tomorrow. Scotty has USMC fitness in the morning and work in the afternoon and evening.  My wife, daughter, and mother-in-law will be home in the evening and will not be in any shape at that point to help.

And of sure, I could call a tree company and have it cut and chipped and hauled…..but for as often as it happens I would not just need them on speed dial, but I would need a lot more cash!  The solution may be a new burn area, and I will chat with Amanda tonight about it when she calls.  And since I am leaving for a trip in just a few days, she will need to help me come up with a quick fix the three of them will just have to break out the old chain saw themselves…..it is a mess.

But for now who cares??  I certainly do not!  The picture is of Ben watching an Avengers cartoon during our meeting and in all honesty I am now in the same position in my bed without the cartoon.  I am glad to be home and in a couple of hours glad to complete yet another year.  It has been a hard one. I will be glad to put it in the books!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Father’s Day……

Yep, today is Father’s Day and the kids made me this really cool board with a bunch of candy on it (because they know they can eat it), took me out to an awesome lunch (with Amanda and Scotty’s girlfriend Molly too!), and gave me this great picture that I have included with my blog tonight!  It was a great time….my only regret was that it ended far too soon.

In fact, we all drove separately to lunch.  Scotty had to pick up Molly, and Amanda and Steph were leaving from there for Kansas to help “Nanny” (Amanda’s mom) as Ben calls her to move.  They will all be back here in Indiana on Tuesday (my birthday), but my mother-in-law is just staying for a few weeks to visit.  It will be fun though and Ben is very excited about it as you can imagine.

But Ben and I came home for a quick nap, and we planted another tree…..this time a red maple.  We then came inside to get out of the heat……and apparently play superhero games.

But it is the life of being a dad, and I love it.  It was a great Father’s Day!  I have great kids and they did a wonderful job to make it special!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Happy 19th Birthday Scotty…….

Today my son Scott turned 19, and it has been a great day.  It seems as if it were only yesterday that he was just a little guy, but today he is signed and ready to hear to US Marine Corps boot camp as soon as they call……he is currently scheduled to leave December 10th.  I am doubtful it will be that long.

But today I got to watch both he and his sister play in their respective alumni lacrosse games, and that was a blessing.  Their little brother is a total sports klutz at this point, yet I remember them both there.  Today they are both fine tuned athletes and amazing human beings.  And, they are great friends.

Ironically, 19 years ago today Stephanie wouldn’t even look at him, as he was clearly muscling in on her territory.  We have come a long way.  Scott is a wonderful young man, I love him, and I am proud to call him my son.

Happy Birthday Scotty!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The end…….

Although most people under 40 I suppose may not know what this is, it is in fact a caboose, or the car at the end of every train that was eliminated for a blinking light and less crew on each train.  I saw this today in Anderson (home of famous Indiana Chief Anderson, which means “land of trains”).  As a side note, John Dillinger never robbed a bank here because there were so many trains, but had he done so, I am sure his last vision before death would have been this……a caboose.

But needless to say, I was quite surprised to see it, and it was being PUSHED, much to my dismay, by two engines.  But sadly, it connected my mind to my post from yesterday about the fruit trees.

You see, this morning I was able to speak with our good friends the Woodruffs, who we bought our house from.  Lucetta was excited to hear that we planted fruit trees and mentioned that they at one time even had an apple tree here they had to cut down.  But then she mentioned the “cherry tree” out front that she used to make pies from.  We had never seen anything on it, and quite honestly thought it was a crab apple tree.  And an arborist husband of one of my wife’s co-workers had come out a few weeks ago and shared that this very tree was diseased and going to die.  No wonder it had not bore any fruit!  And I had also already bought its replacement, thinking it was a crab apple tree and not knowing it was on its last limb.

So I went out and re-inspected it this morning…..no fruit, and yes, I could see the disease.  I therefore, like George Washington, will be chopping down a cherry tree.  It will be its caboose.  But now its replacement will be heading to another spot tomorrow and I will find another cherry tree.  Pears, plums, peaches, apples, and cherries…..my end it going to be fantastic!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!



I have been working hard all day, but in my personal time I was able to plant 4 fruit trees in our back yard for my wife.  One was an apple, another pear, another plum and the last one peach.  They will produce an awesome amount of fruit over the years, but they will also attack bees to which I am allergic.  So I probably just contributed to my demise.

BUT, I did ask Ben tonight if he was hunger for some fruit.  He said YES and we went out to look at the trees until he caught on.  I cannot say that he was amused, but what does that matter when I am???  He will enjoy the “fruits” of my hard labor in years to come, and we all agreed that we wish we would have done it last year.

I have one more tree to plant tomorrow to replace a crab apple tree that our Arborist (a tree guy) said had disease.  We have a big October Glory Maple to replace it, and that will happen tomorrow….along with my working on our bridge.

I have a lot going on with work, and a lot going on at home.  I leave for a 5 day trip to Alabama and Illinois next Wednesday.  I would like to know that the house projects, by that time, are done.  After all, who wants to worry about that stuff at the ripe old age of 51…..which is what I will hit next Tuesday.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


On being passive agressive…….

He is not kidding anyone, particularly me.  Scotty and his girlfriend Molly went to Brown County this afternoon to celebrate his 19th birthday, which will take place on Saturday.  But he sent this picture to Amanda to share with me, as my phone will not receive texted pictures, and it was a clear salvo fired across my bow.  The picture is of the breaded tenderloin at the “Holy Cow” in Brown County and is one of my favorites.  And the picture was meant to make me jealous, not to share the joy!

Deep down I am happy for him……and for Molly.  This dish is FANTASTIC and I know they were enjoying it.  We often hold our clergy meetings down there as we have a church just about a mile from there, and I have only ONCE had anything else there.  
But you would think that a young man with a birthday coming up in just 3 days would not take such a passive aggressive shot.  I suppose he feels secure in the fact that Amanda has never been to the Holy Cow and as always is in charge of the “gift-buying.”  Yes, he was smart there.  But he is walking the line for sure.
Ultimately however, I am glad that he loves it there just like I do.  He and Molly have now made it theirs, and I am blessed by that.  But soon he will be at boot camp.  And as soon as he can receive mail he will be receiving this picture daily!  I am certain it will be a better desire than a MRE.  And he can just wait with baited breath until he comes home.  That tenderloin THEN can be his!

Payback is often awesome!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The Incredible………MORON…..

I have three kids, all of whom I have more embarrassing dirt on than any many should have the privilege to have.  Of course the amount I have on both Steph and Scott is far greater than Ben, but what I want to share is that Ben is quickly catching up.  And at the rate he is going, he may surpass his other two sibling morons by the time he is 10, if not sooner.

I will confess that I am saving A LOT of material for rehearsal dinners, as I figure it is well past the point that people will back out of all the planning, even after such disturbing material.  But I will also confess that all three continue to provide me with ammo (I mean material).  In all honesty, there are many DOOZIES that still crack me up, and in my mind will prove as to whether their new potential spouses really love them or not.

A case in point is the picture for tonight.  Ben wears ties because his brother wears them for work.  But Ben always wears them inappropriately, and Scott does not.  (PLUS Ben poses).  You might think that this picture is a set up, but NO….this was of Ben getting ready to GO SOMEWHERE…….and that somewhere was THE POOL with his sister.  How this could ever be interpreted as normal?

You cannot change or escape DNA.  No one will be surprised to hear me say it is mine!  So pray for my kids!  It is not their fault!  Genetics can be a blessing or a curse!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


An apology, a retraction……

In over 1420 consecutive posts in my blog I have never deleted one, that is until this morning.  My blog of June 9, 2012, which I considered funny, was something of which my wife did not agree.  She was the indirect subject of the blog, and I even joked about it on Facebook with a few of her friends about it as well.  I intended nothing to insult or to wound her, yet I did both and for that I am sorry.

I am re-posting the picture, as it was a great one, but not the blog post.  I am sorry to my wife Amanda and I will be posting this on Facebook as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Insomnia Theatre 2012……

I really do wish the last 24 hours were different, but they have been one of those rare times when my life was riddled with insomnia, and it has been brutal.

Of course insomnia is brutal at almost anytime and in anyone’s life, but when you are a priest, to get insomnia on a Saturday night is the worst.  You will try anything to get to sleep, and thinking about it just makes things worse.  And for me, this was compounded by the fact that I no longer write out my sermons, so with all that “awake time,” which with insomnia can be not all that rational, I started to think and rethink what I was going to say.  And I have to confess that as I stood up to deliver my sermon at St. Patrick’s this morning (the first one I did) I was still pretty garbled in my mind in the two foot walk from my seat to the podium.  I am just thankful to God that it all worked out, even at the second place, St. Anne’s.

I did get home around 3 to take a nap.  As it was not my first rodeo with insomnia, I did make sure I got up and didn’t try to sleep through to the next morning BUT I WANTED TO!  The good news is that it is now just slightly after 11 and I am tired again.  I do not deliver ANY sermons tomorrow, so I hope to be in good shape.

It was something to watch I am sure, and I hope and pray that it never happens to me again…….a guy can dream can’t he?  And as for me, that’s what I am heading to do right now!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
