Trying to smile……

I suppose I ought to change all the pictures that are posted of me in various places as profile pictures with a moustache, since I not only no longer have one, but I never intend to have one again either.  My face, or  my hair, or whatever it is that has damaged my ability to grow one will never return and I will just let it go I suppose.  After all, you should never cry over burnt milk….or something like that.

But to be honest, I just cannot find a good picture of me, and that includes the ones already posted.  I guess I am not that photogenic, but that does not surprise me in the least.  I have really always had a “face for radio,” and cannot manage a smile.  We had family pictures scheduled for last weekend, and I was thankful my eye swelled up just prior to them.  I couldn’t be in pictures for good reason but at least I wasn’t in trouble for not smiling!

Anyway, my time is coming, but hopefully before it does someone will get a good picture of me.  To be honest, I really would like one.  I love to laugh and I am sure I smile.  I just can’t artificially.  I guess I will just have to settle for now this picture of Amanda driving golf balls in hopes of going into labor with Ben in June of 2007 as a substitute.

It’s not me, but as I look at it I guarantee you I am smiling without a mustache now!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
