No escape……..

My house tonight was full of young women…..they all used to be teenage girls, but now most of them are 20.  They love me in a out-of-touch old guy sort of way, after all I am Stephanie’s dad.  But they really have no interest in hanging with me, nor would we be interested in the same movies, music or other things.  They also laugh almost constantly, whereas at my age and perpetual diet, I am more apt to be crying all the time.  So I figured I might actually “do” something tonight.  And unfortunately for me that made me available for something I am very poor at…….Christmas shopping. (This a a real picture from tonight too!)

Yep, Amanda had me go with her to the stores.  And first and foremost I have a very hard time in the crowds.  I never used to, but post stroke things like crowds make me very edgy, and the whole thing can be quite difficult for me.  And even more than that, Amanda always asks for my opinion, and more often than not I know that the opinion is really irrelevant…..she has already made up her mind.  That puts me on edge too.  A wrong answer is no good… is like a game in which very little yardage is gained.

Of course it is not my first rodeo either.  I almost always defer and say, whatever you want.  And it’s a good thing I say that too, because it always leads to what she wants me to buy her.  That’s right, she actually places an order with me every year, which puts tremendous pressure on me.  And why?  Because that is one area that I refuse to defer to her.  I have never once followed those instructions, which means ever year I have to come up with a pretty great idea to divert the attention from my defiance.

So far it has always worked, but every year I wonder if my streak is coming to an end.  One day it may, but I still have a few days.

I intend to find and buy her a meaningful gift.  And if I fail, I will just have to deal with it.  After all, I am sure she did not marry me for my “love” of shopping.  I am clearly just another kept trophy husband, and I will just need to bank on that!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Good news!!!

I have to confess……I am very happy.  Our new website is UP  St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church/The Order of St. Michael the Archangel and it is AWESOME!  I want to thank my good friend Father Greg Lynn and the good people at Ankordesign for creating such an amazing work.  It is not quite done, but we wanted it up before Christmas!  And if you need web work done I recommend contacting Father Greg.

The new site reflects a lot of hard word, not only on the part of Father Greg, but of us.  We have been in transition and have worked hard to transition our ministry in preparation of this launch.  It is the first public information about our Order as well.  And I encourage you to take a look at all of it.  We are proud of what we have put up.

On a personal note, Amanda, Steph, and Ben are home.  Tonight is an adventure!  I am glad to be where I am tonight.  The future is bright, and thanks for letting me share!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


The “Moron Gene”……..

I received this picture from Amanda tonight for my blog.  It is their last night there and I have to say I was a bit surprised……not to see Steph and Cassie in or around jail mind you, but I had no clue that Cassie was on the trip.  Apparently they picked her up in St. Louis on their way to Kansas.  Amanda thought she had told me, but she had not.  So as you can imagine, the picture was quite a surprise.

Of course Cassie is like a second daughter to me, but one who at least “acts” (she is an actress) like she values my opinion and thinks I am not ancient.  I am sure the truth is that she is a marvelous actor, but for now, and for all the future, I intend to pretend.

But my conversation with my apparently brain-dead wife was full of funny stories.  Apparently at Amanda’s grandpa’s (Gramps) house Ben picked up one of those long “picker-upper thingy wingys” and called it “his gun.”  So Ben and Gramps spent the afternoon shooting at each other, Ben with his gun, and Gramps with his gun that look remarkably like his cane.  I am sure Cassie was the director.

But all good things soon come to an end, like my 5 days now of not being wrong.  As Ben says, “in just one more sleep,” they will be home.  And I suppose it will be fine that they return.  In all honesty I am not sure how to live when I am not wrong, so I have been kind of lost.

Okay, just one more sleep….that is unless the picture is real and I need to head to Kansas to bail those two out…….again.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Cowboy dreams…….

Obviously Ben is out in Kansas visiting “Cowboy Grandpa,” and part of having a grandpa that is a true to life cowboy, is horses.  And yep, Ben got to ride a horse today.

Of course he has no idea of how often he will be able to do this in life, as my wife grew up on a ranch and all of them are pretty horse-savvy.  No, not like the Sarah Jessica Parker kind, but the better looking kind, like Trigger, Mr. Ed, and Secretariat.  Horses were a big part of their upbringing and their dad, “Cowboy Grandpa,” still rides them.

I can hardly imagine how proud my father-in-law must be……and what a villain my wife must have been for taking him off that horse (if she didn’t have Steph do it.)  It is not his first ride, because he does not remember, nor will it be his last.  My only regret is that he was not wearing his “real” cowboy hat that his grandma (Nanny) bought him, because Steph and I made sure it went with him on the trip.

So please enjoy the picture like I am.  Lord knows what this boy will turn out to be, but as for today he was a cowboy……and on a real horse.

I just wish I was there to see it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Alien abduction!!!

I probably shouldn’t have talked to her while I was tired, but she did say she was sending me a picture, and I THINK it had to do something with all of them getting abducted by aliens in Kansas.  That kind of thing happens a lot out there, and I suppose by Monday or Tuesday I will know whether or not I am single or married.  Aliens tend to take people or leave them, from what I have seen on TV, but regardless, the pictures are spectacular, and I need to share them.

Amanda and her mom (and regardless of whoever is with them) never stop to rest…..they are always out doing something.  Together or apart, they are often the same person, going to see things or be a part of something they find interesting.  Tonight it was these “lights” and a live “nativity scene.”  (AND ice cream.)  They are always into seeing or doing something, but ice cream seems to be included much of the time.

As for me, I am feigning concern while enjoying the bliss of no “to do” lists or “projects” around the house.  Oh yes, I am certain these are not aliens, and I am also certain this small break from chores is but an illusion.  What I am thankful for (besides the break) is that Ben is having the time of his life as he is his grandma’s pride and joy, and she is far more than that to him.

But I have been working all day and it has been primarily on our new website.  It is spectacular and it should be up within days.  I just fill in info, but the designer  is a genius!  The downside is that it is almost 10pm and I can barely see.  Lord knows what I have posted!

So perhaps I shall call it a night.  I am not sure what to make of the picture, but one thing is for sure.  If any aliens DID ABDUCT my wife I am certain they would drop her off in due time.  She does not care how the chores get done.  And they will get their fill of that soon enough!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Clearly our bar-hopping…….

Leave it to Ben to get a picture taken with his grandparents and mom with a big BEER sign in the background.  Lord knows where they are at, but it sure does look like they are having fun.

Meanwhile, back here at the ranch, I am home alone with the dog and the cat who have no interest in even being awake.  But I guess I shouldn’t complain, it is 8:45.  Scotty is at band practice (or so he says), and I am left to figure out something to do without the direction of my wife…….something that I am not sure at my age is really allowed.

But I intend to make the best of it, especially while Ben and his grandparents are slugging down a few in the Wizard of Oz state.  I am just glad they are having a good time, or at least that they are smiling for the picture.

Good photography skills Steph!  I appreciate the picture!

Goodnight from all these wild times here my friends and God Bless!


Party, no, not really!

OKAY….let the party begin!  Amanda, Steph, and Ben are on their way to KANSAS and Scotty is never home.  Yep, that’s right…….it’s me, an 8 year old dog who sleeps 23.75 hours a day and a cat that doesn’t care for anyone other than herself!  Yep, WILD TIMES!

To prove my point, get this….it is 7:50pm and I am bored and considering just going to bed!  I know….SLOW DOWN WILD MAN.  It is like a beer commercial without the beer, girls, or anything fun.  It would be an appropriate time to confess that I had become my father but quite interestingly at 75, he is really a lot more fun than me.  I am beginning to think my wife married me because I am a good bet for an early grave, or at least bedtime.

But what can I say is, I am what I am, and I have never even ever considered the Navy.  The truth is that I do a lot of stuff within a day, and I really do not pay attention to time…..I rarely even wear a watch.  But I do get a lot done, regardless of the time.

So off to bed I go, despite all the exciting possibilities.  I often wish my life were more exciting, but what can you do.  I used to hate naps, and now I know, sleep is a good friend!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


No horsing around anymore, she finally makes it official………

We were not sure she would ever commit to us, but today after moving some 13 months ago into our house, Amanda finally went to the BMV and had her addressed changed to here.  We all breathed a big sigh of relief too.  She does the grocery shopping and without her we would starve to death.

But on behalf of the rest of us, I need to share our thankfulness.  I know it must have been a big commitment, I mean at least 20 minutes, and more than that, it saves the people living in our old house the confusion after she gets arrested on one of her “business” trips to Belgium.  (She says they are business, but she sure seems to enjoy their chocolate.)

The great part is that we have all of that done now.  All the cars and all the people, as well as the house…..match.  She can now vote too, instead of complain that she can’t.  The last election (last month), fortunately, was cancelled here because we live in a small town and their was nothing on the ballot.  They must have been waiting for her.

Tomorrow night, she, Steph, and Ben will head to Kansas to visit her mom.  Her license has yet to arrive, but at least the police will know where she lives.  So when they call from the pokey I can be honest…….”Sure, I know her.  She has been living here officially since yesterday.”

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Spidey help me!!!!

Well I tried to post tonight, with an idea and theme, but Blogger took me anywhere but where I needed to go.  By the time I finally arrived, not by intention but by luck, the idea had escaped me and I was stressed rather than inspired.  I really am a dinosaur.  I use computers all the time, but would be happy enough if this was just a journal beside my bed.  Technology is often the devil to me, and I really do consider myself blessed that I have (accidentally) figured this out.

But as I mentioned, the idea of what to write that I had all day is gone.  I do not remember much about it, other than I was pleased about it and thought about it a few times through the day.  Pre-stroke, I would torture myself to remember, but post-stroke I know that the odds are far than favorable.  And I have learned to just let such things go.

But how I wish I had somethings funny or clever to share tonight…..because I know I did this morning.  What I can say is that everyday cannot be a win, and I know there will be other opportunities.

So tonight I will take my lumps and just call it a day.  I have the great blessing (these blessings are killing me) of typing this next to Batman who has decided that his is the bed he is sleeping in tonight.  But at least the entertainment I will receive will be far more interesting than my lack of memory… least I hope so.

So my Monday is done without incident, but also without accomplishment.  It reminds me of my entire Freshman year of college, only cheaper.  I just hope Tuesday reminds me of something good!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Out with Stephy…….

Steph, Amanda and Ben went out for an adventure today and although I was told about it, I wasn’t invited.  It’s not anything I am upset about, because I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyway.  They went looking for clothes, which Ben thinks is cool, but I find quite torturous.

So I stayed at home and……worked.  And yes, it was far more fun for me.  I did watch the beloved Tim Tebow take down my Chicago Bears, but it was not so bad because I am enjoying all the people who hate Tim Tebow because he is Christian and is actually proud of it.  As a priest I can say that I am glad to see the publicity.  Not all of us are morons, and Tebow is a pretty great role model as well as quarterback. I just want to see him keep it up.
But now after a long day, a Bears’ loss, and a lot of work behind me, I feel compelled to GO TO BED!  Thank God Scotty is not home too, because I have his dog with me who ALWAYS thinks it is time for bed, so I have some support.  I just need to commit myself to getting to tomorrow.
But Ben enjoyed the day with his sister, and Amanda did too.  I can’t be a part of everything, but at least I hear about it.  It made my day… well as this great picture from their adventure that they shared with me, and I gladly share with you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!