Happy Birthday Ben………

Believe it or not, Ben is now FOUR! And until my phone is fixed I am counting on Steph for pictures, HOWEVER she always gets them up quicker to Facebook than I do! But who I am to complain? Pictures in this era are instantaneous. Pictures from my era were black and white and often hard to identify.

But there is no denying that this is our birthday boy. We took him for pizza and then to bowl (we live in Indiana where this is the law). It was a total blast, other than the pink ball for his picture. It was the lightest, but kind of reminded me of Barbie. But in all honesty, as time went on I began to use it as the heavier balls had either too small or too large of holes for my fingers. I would just palm the pink ball and roll…..it was not quite as manly an image as I wanted to project.
But Ben came home to cake and gifts and great time. The day had been a total adventure for him, and it was fun.
I will say however that it started out poorly. Ben woke up and refused to be four until someone gave him some cake. I told him it was not happening and then argued with him about that for close to an hour. We finally resolved it by offering to take him to pick out a gift with Scotty at the mall……but ONLY if he were four. Oddly enough he became so instantly. Problem solved.
So that’s the birthday report. It finishes a long line of Tirman birthdays, graduations, and cakes. It has been fun, and I am sorry to see them go. But I have a Biggest Loser competition to win, and the absence of all that cake it going to make it a lot easier!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!