Yep……we’re related!

Today we watched as Lindenwood knocked off the University of Michigan, and Steph played most of the game. It is hard just watching, and it was doubly hard in that it was perhaps the worst refereed contest I had ever seen in my entire coaching career. Fortunately, it all worked out for the Lions.

But it is so very odd to be on a different side of this. I hardly know what to do up in the stands, and I spend most of the games up high looking down on the field for plays and things I might bring home. Of course my eyes are always on number 13. Steph was an All-State player for two of the three years I coached her, and MVP all three as well. Here it is a different level. They all have to play up, and it is pretty cool to see how she has improved.
One high school coach once told me that he actually dedicated an entire practice to figuring out a way to contain Steph when they played us. She was dominate in high school for sure. Here she is one of many, and playing for a nationally ranked team. She is just a freshman too….on her way to becoming much more that she has been or is even now. It is so very cool!
So today you just get to hear the rantings of a proud father, who knows the game and who has enjoyed his time watching. I would have never imagined any of it…….but I am truly blessed by the opportunity.
I love you my daughter, and I am very proud of her too!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Of touristy things………

Being a tourist is something I do not do very well, but my family sure does…..especially Ben. And today we gave him the opportunity by taking him to a place that makes good sense for a 3 year old, his 17 year old brother, and his 17 year old girlfriend……a brewery. That’s right, we toured the Anheuser-Busch Brewery (yes it is mandatory it is capitalized because we are in St. Louis…..the churches here serve Budweiser for communion).

The tour however was a hit for everyone….including me. I had not had a beer in many many years, but had one in the hospitality room at the end of the tour. It was awesome and made me wonder why I ever stopped having them! AND more than that, we were able to see not only a few of the famous Budweiser Clydesdales, but one of the dalmatians, a few of the wagons, and tons of stuff I never imagined I’d see.
A big hit was our tour guides who are in the picture….KC and Janet. There were a lot of people in our tour, but they took to Ben as he did to them and it was off to the races. Ben had a stuffed Clydesdale (no it was not me) and a flash drive from Amanda’s purse that he was trying to convince them was a Transformer. He told them his favorite Transformer was Optimus Prime. KC did not have a favorite, and Janet said she just liked Shia LaBeouf, who as a man I can say I think was in that Megan Fox movie…..oh yea, he was in “Even Stevens” too…..but I digress. The big things was that Ben loved them and it made the day really wonderful! Thanks ladies!
But tonight we watched another Lindenwood game and another victory. It is so cool to see Steph play at this level, but it is so stressful for me to watch.
If only LU had a hospitality room…….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Making a spectator of myself…….

Okay, it is not the best picture, but had I not traded my (better) phone to Steph it would have been better. But the picture is a significant moment for me. The field is Lindenwood’s Hunter Field (their main stadium field) and Steph is out there just after taking the draw. And, it is the first time I have ever watched Steph play as a college player.

Her team was playing Brigham Young tonight too, and I believe they are either 8th or 10th in the nation in their division. Lindenwood is currently 6th. And their uniforms, including the coaching shirts, were pink tonight, no doubt as a breast cancer awareness statement.
Lindenwood won too…..with just a few seconds left in a real nail-biter. I was just glad to see them win. As a coach I can say that a win is a win is a win…..and in the end, that is what counts.
So the big night is under our belts, and I am exhausted. I am just blessed to have been there. I am proud of Steph, and it is pretty cool to see her playing at this level. I am glad to have the opportunity too!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

I love my family……sometimes.

Yep, Scotty and Amanda think they are funny, but they are messing with FIRE I tell you FIRE. We are on a short jaunt to see Stephanie play a game and after we stopped in Effingham (Indian for pork no one likes apparently) Amanda and Scott did something to the back of my car. It was only 2 full hours later that I discovered what it was. That’s right, my caring and devoted family put a magnetic bumper sticker on the back of my car telling people I was not wearing any pants. I was mind you…..I am just thankful I wasn’t driving in my clerical collar.

But I laughed it off as I have been quietly plotting my revenge….and yes, it will be sweet. Scotty gets it naturally, but he needs to remember that those genes come from ME. He is dealing with a PRO, and this will come back to them with a vengeance. Of course the Bible says, “vengeance is mine says the Lord,” but I am certain He would not want me to miss out on all the fun. I only hope they laugh as hard when the joke is on them.
And no, it is not really about revenge, but I do take humor quite personally. I am pretty funny and I do not care to be upstaged in things like this. So this is really more about one-upsmanship (no it is not a real word) than anything else.
It will happen….and at an hour they do not expect!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The lawnboy…….

I had a parishioner of mine stop by the house today to take a look at my lawn. Maintaining a lawn is really not all that hard when your yard is small (and rectangular), but this new one is not. So the bottom line is that I was in need of some advice.

The good news is that Mike is, and has been, in “the business” for years. I will need to aerate, I will need to thatch, I will need to re-seed, and, I will need to fertilize as well. My former yard I maintained extremely well, and I am excited about the prospect. But my former yard also took a few years to get it right where I wanted it. Thank God I have nothing to do other than to worry about my lawn! Yea right….it is going to be a challenge.
But the good news is that the starter’s pistol has fired and I am off to the races. It is not a sprint, but it is instead a marathon. I am already enjoying it too. Thank God I have the opportunity to do so!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Way to go Butler!

First of all, congratulations to the UConn Huskies!

But beyond that, I want to let you all know that I am a 1984 graduate of Butler University. I didn’t pick Butler because I wanted to, but it was instead the last stop for a young man who couldn’t get his life together. I had flunked out of my first college (Manchester College) and then my second (Indiana University at South Bend) before I arrived there. I really didn’t know what was in store….I only knew my dad was an administrator there and I could go there without paying for tuition, just room and board. So that’s why I went.

My experience there was exceptional. The faculty was amazing, and many of the people I met are still friends to this day. At that point, the basketball team sucked, but that really didn’t matter. All I kept hearing was how important “the Butler Family” was.
After I graduated and moved away, I missed Butler. I realized what they professed was true. After grad school, because I did graduate in 1984 with a BA in Religion, I found myself involved in forming an alumni chapter in NE Ohio. After moving back to Indiana, I served on the Alumni Board. I have recruited for Butler the entire time.
My point is this…..tonight we didn’t lose the National Championship, but we instead showed the character and determination I learned as a student in need of direction in the early 1980’s. I know Butler to be not just a part of who I am, but a place that formed me more than I could ever confess.
This year was a mediocre year in terms of the basketball season, yet in the tourney we excelled! For us in the Butler family though, it really doesn’t matter. Win or lose, we will be there cheering our team on. And although everyone and their brother is wearing a Butler sweatshirt now like d I do, I will wear mine even if we do not win a game. Family is family, and I am proud to be a Bulldog…win or lose!
Way to go boys! We made it to the finals TWO years in a row, and it was something I never imagined I would see in my lifetime. But next year awaits. I, like all other true Bulldogs, will be rooting us on!
Thanks for a great season Butler….and more than that, thanks for lifting me up and giving me a great foundation for my own life!
Go Bulldogs! You have made me proud!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A great day…..

We spent the day in Nashville, and yes when we travel I try not to let people know we are out of town….(BUT NOTE TO BURGLARS…. we always have someone staying at our ALARMED AND MONITORED house).

But Scotty, being the big musician, wanted to head to “music row,” and so we did. It was a great afternoon too. Our hotel was right by the Grand Ole Opry, but they were closed on Sundays……something I would have known had I spoken with my BOSS THE BISHOP who was not just a stage manager there many moons ago, but who met his WIFE there! So we wasted a lot of time trying to get there!
But “music row” was cool. I thought it ODD that there were about 100 people in “Rush” t-shirts, not the conservative icon, but the band. They must have played there…but since I listened to them in high school I just assumed they were dead. Not that this would have prevented them from playing, but as I have discovered…most things do not revolve around me (Okay, nothing does).
But Ben and Scotty had a great time. We ate too much, goofed off too much, and then made our way home. Not soon enough to get Viper out of the pokey (the kennel) but I will pick him up at 8!
It is just SO GOOD to be home. And as I type this on my NEW back porch (sans the cat) I have to confess that life is good. I love it here, and it truly feels like home.
Check back tomorrow night when I post about Butler’s NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A special day of blessings……..

Despite a Noblesville loss today, as well as a Scott Tirman possible concussion and half game, we finally made it to a hotel right by the Grand Ole Opry and more than that, a hotel that the Lindenwood Lady Lions women’s lacrosse team was staying at on their way home to Missouri. That’s right, we got to see all the kids together tonight, albeit briefly.

The picture is of Steph and her buddies commandeering not just my laptop, but our bed to type/Skype on. It was a real blessing, especially in that her friends/teammates are some very impressive young women…..and Ben loves them all. He is in heaven when they are around them.
So tonight was a special time. Scott appears well on his way to recovery. Ben has spent the night surrounded by young women who think he is wonderful. We got to see Steph and her friends.
AND with a Butler win I have to ask….how could this day be any better?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Traffic, kids, and the Rockstar…..

Ben clearly hates getting his picture taken, but tonight I do not care. I have had a long and miserable day and needed a picture……and he was going to comply.

The picture was taken at Scotty’s lacrosse game in Nashville……yes, Tennessee this time (normally Nashville, Indiana). But it took forever to get there and traffic was a NIGHTMARE. But being able to see Scotty play like a rockstar was what made it all worthwhile. He had a great game and it was so wonderful to see it. And in the JV game, because they were short-handed, Scotty got in as an offensive player (he is the Varsity goalie) and he SCORED. He is going to be able to live with from now on.
But the blessing was being able to be there to see him in goal. It really kills me to miss my kids games, and as the high school women’s coach I have missed a lot of Scott’s. As for Steph, I have never seen her in a college game…..and I regret all of it. It is cool to get to see them both play.
But for now I will just enjoy what I can and force the youngster into pictures when I catch him. I am not as young as I used to be, but my kids are important to me. And as long as I can I will be there to support them!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

March on…….

I always heard the expression as I was growing up about March either going in like a lamb and out like a lion, or visa-versa. But it seems it went both in and out like a lamb, which after a winter which was really “all lion” that is fine with me. And not that anyone is really interested in how I feel about it, but it does make me feel better to say it.

So this means that the cold weather is most probably gone, and I can now turn my anxious mind toward getting my body into swimsuit shape. Of course that task seems so very daunting to me, so perhaps I will turn it to trading the positions of the snow blower and the lawn tractor in the garage. Yes, I know it will be hard, but I will take a break in between driving them out and then backing them back into the garage. It’s hard work, but somebody needs to do it.
Then awaits the lawn. No it is not needing a mow yet, but April always brings such things. And I must say, it will be a challenge. First of all, it is not square. And secondly, it is much larger than our prior lawn. A parishioner of mine in the business is coming out to tell me what I need to do in terms of fertilizer and upkeep. I may need to get a job as a pastor on TBN where they make that kind of cash…..though I am pretty sure none of them mows their own lawn……so that was just a joke. I will be doing it all myself to save save save.
But the same people also say, “April showers bring May flowers,” but I know that is not really true. The flowers come up in April and so does the grass, along with MUD. But in all honesty, I love it. Yard work is a peaceful distraction from my normal day to day and a blessing to my soul.
March on March…..let’s start up that mower!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!