It’s da PROM…….

Tonight we had the great honor and privilege to see Scotty and his girlfriend Lizzie off to the Prom! It was a wonderful experience. Scott, as you can see, was as handsome as ever, and Lizzie looked absolutely striking. Of course I see them both just about everyday, but Lizzie most often at practice since she is my starting center. Generally I see her in workout clothes with her hair bundled up…tonight was a pretty big difference.

But the beauty is that they were elated to be going, and especially together. They always have a great time, but tonight I am sure will be special. I was glad to be a small part.
We brought over some desserts (okay, Amanda made them at Scotty’s request) and Lizzie’s mom was making them, and another couple, dinner. Amanda gave Scotty her car for the night, and although his joke about keeping himself at .07 on the alcohol limit t keep it legal was a funny thing to say to her (Amanda), it was a baseless joke as he is still 3 years and a month away from drinking legally anyhow. He will need to work on his formal wear humor.
The day was not lost on his brother either, who informed me this morning that he was going to Prom too. When I asked him about his date/girlfriend, he told me that he was going with Lizzie too, and that Scotty would be sharing. Tonight when that didn’t work out for him he allowed only TWO pictures to be taken of himself and the happy couple. I sure to hope that Prince Harry was a little bit more generous today at the Royal Wedding.
Anyway, it was a great time. And although it is just nine, it is a great enough time for me to retire. I am sure Scotty and Lizzie will enjoy the night, but I will hear about it tomorrow. They join a lot of wonderful kids that I know tonight, and many of whom happen to be my players. I hope it’s Da Bomb…..after all, it is Da Prom…..
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A bad day made better……okay great!

Look what my youngest son found out the window today, not one, but TWO rainbows. We had just talked about rainbows, as we headed up to Christ the King Kokomo on a day I was supposed to have a lacrosse game, and a day it was not supposed to rain. My game was cancelled…..due to rain.

Needless to say, I was a bit put off by the day. I was making my way to Kokomo MUCH earlier than I was intending to. (I was going after my game, probably arriving there at around 10pm) The day began by ME forgetting to take Ben’s blanket into Cindy’s house when I dropped him off, something she and I both realized AFTER I made the 13 mile jaunt back to my house. When she called me, Ben was having a meltdown. And we both knew it would not end till he had the blanket. He comes by this genetically, in that Amanda has the same issue. She cannot be separated from her first 4-H award (a ribbon from 1984, 1st place in Interpretive Sheep Choreography) that she tucks in her left shoe each morning. But regardless, I took them the blanket. The day was all downhill from there.
But the rainbowS made it pretty cool. We got pretty close to the end of one of them, and although I know there is no pot of gold there, it sure did light up where it ended in a bright array of colors. I told Ben (yes it was a wasted statement of meaning) that I am almost 50 years old and I have NEVER been that close to the end of a rainbow, let alone two. It made a day that was going poorly, one of the coolest I have ever lived. And for that, I am thankful!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Good day to be a DUCK….

Rain rain everywhere. How I wish we understood it better.

When I was a kid, there was a guy that we called “The Weatherman,” and his name was Dick Addis, and he worked for WNDU TV in South Bend. It was in the days before all this dang technology, and to my recollection, I never remember him being wrong. If Dick said it would rain, it would rain, snow it would snow. He was a great weatherman, and a guy we could trust.
Sadly, even with all this technology, we miss the mark often…and as a high school lacrosse coach that bothers me. Today TWO big storms with LIGHTENING were approaching an hour before practice. Like I had a week before, I looked at the radar and read the forecast…..100% chance of rain, and BOTH looked as if lightening was coming too. And BOTH today and last week I cancelled practice an hour before……only to have the storms miss us as if Moses parted them around us himself.
Oh well… rained somewhere. Dick Addis, where art thou?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Goat water…..

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THUNDERSTORMS, and although April and May are famous for them in Indiana, all we get a lot of lately is rain. Oh sure, we get the occasional thunder-banger, but they are short-lived and not that spectacular. And on top of all of it, everything is saturated with water.

This of course has delayed the seeding of my lawn by at least 10 days…..and unfortunately the next opportunity will be Thursday, and only for a small brief window. I may seed parts of it then, but the areas that are already wet and tend to flood will become nothing but swimming pools for seed. I am no botanist, but I am pretty sure that would not be effective. But heck, I am probably dreaming anyway, because after 10 days if I can get enough mowing done to seed it will be a miracle.
Our nice yard is starting to get too high, and with it being wet it is harder to mow. I might ask the neighbors if they mind if I got a couple of goats, but I understand they don’t like to edge….so I may just be on my own. On the upside, I should be able to tell where I have mowed…..and on the downside, gas is a ba-gillion dollars a gallon and it’s a big lawn.
But what can I do? Perhaps after tonight’s storm I can see if building an ark might be a better plan. I will see….and at least then a couple of goats would not seem so out of place.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

On judgment….

I suppose as a life-long Chicago Cubs fan I shouldn’t be surprised on issues of timing or judgement, but gosh darn it I just want to get a few things right.

I intended to take most of the day off except for lacrosse practice. It was raining though ALL DAY, and pretty hard too. I checked the radar, and I checked the forecast…..wet and rainy. I had quite a few girls text me to say they were missing, so I reluctantly cancelled practice just about 2 hours before it was to start. I still was heading to Noblesville around that time anyway, but guess what???? At 3pm it was SUNNY…cloudy, but sunny. I could have held practice.
I did however make good use of my time. I have to do some traveling in a few days, so I thought I could drive part and fly part, and in doing so drop Steph’s car off to her so she can get home in a few weeks without us heading out to move her back. Of course it is after such a decision is made that her car falls apart. Scotty was driving it Saturday and it had a flat. I went in to have it repaired (that’s why I was in Noblesville) and it had a nail in it….AND two other tires needed to be replaced. It also made all sorts of noises, so it is at the shop tonight to be looked at tomorrow. I just hope I can afford the gas to get her home!
But at least now I am at home and heading to bed. My day of rest was a bust, but at least ALL the cars have new wipers, one has new tires, and the big issue, MY LOST CELL PHONE, has been solved. Apparently I had a program on it that turned off the ringer and it was in a place that I put it so it would not get lost. My post-stroke mind is very meticulous, but sadly I often forget the details even when I am careful. At least I found it.
So if all goes to plan, hopefully I will forget this day. I am looking forward to tomorrow. At least I will enter it with a working cell phone!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Easter Blessings……

Today was a glorious day! St. Patrick’s opened without a hitch, (the picture is of the altar at St. Patrick’s), and I had the great privilege to celebrate and deliver the sermon in two of our churches today. We baptized two children at one service, and the general report across our ministry was that it was a day of great blessings!

Of course I love Easter Day, but as a priest I have to say I am always exhausted when it is over, and that has been the case today. I went home and took a nap, and Amanda, the boys and I went out to eat after we got up. It was a nice way to end the day, and I always appreciate it too. My family is important to me, but all the work leading up to Easter often means I see less of them….something that bothers me, but probably not them. So my point is that Easter dinner together means a lot to me. I was thankful to have the opportunity……if only Steph was able to be a part. I will call her in a bit.
But all in all, I am thankful for the God-given opportunity I have been given to serve. I love what I do, and am blessed to do it with wonderful people.
I hope you too had a glorious Easter Day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Oh Chaos….but it is LOOKING GOOD!

Yep, today is Holy Saturday, and yes, I have been doing A LOT of church work! We are finishing up the move of St. Patrick’s for the inaugural service tomorrow, and it has been moving along “swell.” (a word form my youth that reflects a bit of sarcasm). But we will open tomorrow. And all I have to worry about will be a sermon!

And in the midst of all of this, all I had to do today was a small commitment of TWO lacrosse games (at home) and Senior Night. Oh yes, there was a pitch-in that went along with that as well, so it was really not worrying me at all (it was swell). But THANK GOD that it not only went off without a hitch, but that it was perhaps the smoothest Senior Night that I have ever been a part of. My wife and her minions, the parents and players, and especially Assistant Coach Jack Russell made it a wonderful event! We have 9 Seniors, and as I understand it, we will graduate 9 as well. It was a pretty cool experience.
But as for me, it is back to the grind…..enough lounging around! Easter is upon us, and my sermon it not (nor a lot of other things I need to bring). But by this time tomorrow I should be asleep, and even more importantly…..DONE!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Good Friday…….

Today is of course Good Friday, the day upon which Jesus was crucified. In His one obedient and loving act, He offered up His life for the sins of the entire world. No greater act of love has ever been exhibited….no greater love has ever been known.

As we take pause upon this most Holy Day, let us give thanks to Him for the Offering He made of Himself. God’s perfect gift, who loves us, who loves YOU, and who gives us life eternal has much to offer in our lives.
Today we remember His Sacrifice……and for it, on this Good Friday, let us all be so very thankful!
God Bless you!
Father Tom+

Holy Thursday……..

Gosh, I would have loved to post this this morning BEFORE the day began, but it was just not meant to be. I left home early and arrived home late, and there has been not rest in between. The MOVE has been completed, but the final touches on everything are yet to be done.

With that, for the first time in my entire ministry, I was not a part of a Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) service. We had them all over, but I was working at the new St. Patrick’s getting ready for Easter. I will be at the Good Friday service tomorrow at St. Anne’s in Anderson, but that will be after working the day finishing up at St. Pat’s.
Holy Thursday however, is a very important day. Everyone remembers that famous DaVinci picture of the Last Supper, and that’s exactly what happened on this day…, DaVinci didn’t paint the picture on this day, but the actual Last Supper took place. Jesus, on the night before He died, shared a meal with His friends and took the bread and the wine, gave thanks and blessed them and then gave it to them….instituting the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. He commanded them also to do this when they gathered in remembrance of Him…..AND although it is not as well known, He also girded Himself with a towel and washed their feet….giving them an example of servitude. It is such a meaningful day, and it will be my ONLY year not a part of a service, I swear.
At least things are moving along at St. Patrick’s. I will take solace in the fact that I am taking part in the service of other people.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A big change in plans means a big change in plans……

Sometimes days just do not go as planned, and today was the poster child for that saying. I had every intention to be heading over to the current two St. Patrick’s in an effort to take some time to convert them to just one (remember we are moving from one location to another), BUT some upcoming work travel, kids, lacrosse, global warming, Bigfoot, and whatever else I can think of, made those best laid plans absolutely impossible. I clearly am the wrong kind of doctor to deal with this location schizophrenia. I didn’t even leave my office and head that way till just before 3.

The cool part however is that I will be able to get a lot of it done tomorrow. We have a clergy meeting tomorrow and I have it scheduled to meet at one place then another then back to the one place and then the other…..yep, it should be the most “moving” meeting I have ever convened if you know what I mean. So hopefully it will go well.
The even better part is that I will be joined by the former “Almost Reverend” Steve Sommerrock, who is now the Reverend Steve Sommerrock (he was made a deacon in Akron, Ohio on Tuesday….they used to make tires, now it is deacons). He will be joined by the still “Almost Reverend” Robert Jennings, our Parish Intern, the “How Did He Ever Make It to Become a Reverend” PT Morgan, and myself. Father Dan is playing St. Peter tonight in our mission in Nashville for a Tennebrae service, so as the first Pope we are giving him a pass of lifting anything….at least today.
But the best part is that it is almost done, and with no anticipated hitches, tomorrow should be a great day. Moving is tedious, but rewarding and not all that difficult. And although we joke about why we are doing this in Holy Week, the bottom line is that it is a good and welcome distraction from the stress and pressures of the Week.
It should be a great day, and I can hardly wait.