I remember……

March 10th…..oddly enough we were at dinner with my dad tonight when I remembered that I was priested today some 21 years ago.

I suppose I forgot about it, like I do many other anniversaries, because really they all are indicators of events. And although there is a propensity with events, like ordinations, weddings, graduations and such, to see them as arrival points, I in fact see them quite differently……I see them as sort of starting lines.
To explain, after all the hard work of getting to any of these events, why would we then just focus on the event rather than what it signifies we are moving into…perhaps a ministry, or a marriage, our our lives, or a vocation? Too often however I find people holding onto the date, or the memory of the event, as if it’s really the THING. It’s not. Life is waiting, and we are supposed to live it.
So off of my soap box for tonight and off to bed I go! I will celebrate the day by admitting that being a priest often wears me out….apparently for the last 21 years.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

“Lent me entertain you…..”

Although I posted earlier in the day for Ash Wednesday, I thought I would post again tonight. I am home now, the day is almost done, and if I can last just about 30 minutes more, Ben’s new Transformer sheets and comforter may be dry and it may lure him to his own bed. But at this point, I do not think I really care where he wants to sleep. I am totally beat.

But we are now in the season of Lent, and I am picking exercise and diet as two of my disciplines as I go through it. The exercise I am not looking to be a real problem. The weather is getting warmer and the dog and I will be out and about everyday beginning tomorrow. (Today I was swamped.) But the diet will be much more of a challenge. Habits, bad or good, are hard to change, and the medicine I am on does NOT help. But in truth, if I go off them my life would be miserable, because post-stroke I need them. AND on the other hand, if I cannot get myself back in shape I will also be miserable, because I will either be way too heavy and out of shape or dead. To be honest, I want to keep at this so I can be a burden to my wife and kids.
So this is to say it starts. I already feel the struggle, but with God’s help I can get there. For crying out loud I will be turning 50 in June and I am raising two teenagers and a 3 year old. I am no weenie! Say a prayer for me and encourage me to get to it. 50 is going to be just my halfway point. Let’s see if I can live the next 50 hearing the words, “he’s that skinny old priest over there in the Cubs jersey.”
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. It’s a day we contemplate our mortality in light of our faith. A powerful day, it’s one of my favorites, and most meaningful of the entire Church year. Today Christians all over the world will receive the imposition of ashes while hearing the words, “you are dust, and to dust shall you return.”

My prayer for you this day is that you not only attend an Ash Wednesday service, but that you take the time this day to rededicate your life to the Lord. And there is no better time than Lent to begin a journey of re-dedication too. You can adopt a Lenten Discipline or two to help fine-tune and deepen your journey along the way. I encourage you to do so too.

There are opportunities to attend services today all around you. I encourage you to attend one.

Every journey begins with the first step……commit yourself to taking yours today.
God Bless you on this very special day!

Meet us in St. Louie Louie……

Although I could never fall into this naturally, Scotty has been accepted and visited St. Louis Christian College in Florissant, Missouri today…..just 10 minutes away from where Stephanie goes to college. As a matter of fact, Steph and two of her friends joined us last night for a carbfest at the IHOP too. It was a blast, and a real blessing to me.

And Scott absolutely loved the school too. He is heading toward working in ministry, and although he is clearly an amazing musical talent, he and I have discussed the possibility of working in the Anglican Mission “with me.” (I would never say “for me” because nothing can sour an offspring’s attitude like the potential for being under a parent’s supervision for years.) So to make it more like Harvey Korman’s “I am working for Mel Brooks,” I hope one day to hear Scotty say “I am working for Doc Loomis.” We shall see.
But the good news is that I am home and can prep for Ash Wednesday in the morning. I am doing a 7pm service in Westfield and that will be after an instructional lacrosse practice at the library with my team.

I missed the pancakes today for Shrove Tuesday as we were traveling, but my last big meal was at the Sonic in Florissant. I hope to end Lent a far different soul than I start…..but there is some intention to do so.
So I will finish the night and head to bed. It has been a marvelous few days. I am not sure where Scotty will head, but I am thinking it may be St. Louis. A lacrosse scholarship may change it all, and I am certain he wil be offered one. But until then I will just imagine heading just one direction to see the kids. No, life never really works that way for me, but then again, I can dream.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

My teeth are so white I gotta wear shades…….

I generally write these in the evening, or if we are being technically correct, at “night.” But tonight Scotty and I will be traveling to Missouri again, this time to visit St. Louis Christian College. He has been accepted there and he wants to see it in person before making any commitments.

But of course I will not be able to type and drive (at least not that well….or legally) so I guess there IS a blessing to being trapped here at the Toyota dealership this morning. My 1.5 hour visit is now just over 3, and the first 1.5 I filled up with a meeting at the IHOP with PT across the street.
But the good news is that it allows me to write up this blog entry, and I am excited about it too. It will post “automatically” by itself later tonight. So as you can see, Captain Spectacular made his first trip to the TEETH DOCTOR (aka. “dentist”) this morning, and Amanda sent me this picture. He is truly too cool for words, and if you do not believe me, just ask him.
The bad news is that his days of apple juice, as well as strawberry and chocolate milk, are now to be greatly limited. It is not due to any problems, but due to the potential of them. It is, quite honestly, the same reason I stay away from alligators.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Shake, rattle, and roll…..

Today Ben and Amanda went with me up to Christ the King in Kokomo for services. It is sort of a rarity for us, but one that we welcomed. And Amanda and I spent the majority of the service signaling each other as to what to do about Ben who was as we say “chatty” through the entire service.

Of course Steph and Scott do not have such problems. They behave, but more than that, they have been trained that if eye contact is made with me and it is not pleasant eye contact, they need to change course and quickly. I hate the stereotype of misbehaving clergy kids and we do our best to not fall into that. Of course we didn’t do too good of job of that today.
Ben is of course Ben, and as the youngest, he reaps the benefits of the other two figuring us out. The other two are no help either, choosing to laugh it up at our struggle. Dear Lord, it is almost as if they are GRANDPARENTS, but they are really siblings. It is truly a conspiracy of the deepest level.
But the good news is that we survived…..and o the way home we hit the Dairy Queen. Ben is a big fan of the chocolate shake, and although he was a pest in church, he was pretty great beyond that. Training him is going to take patience and some sort of MAJOR miracle, but we are “all in.” It has been trying, but the shake made it worthwhile. I am just glad to survive the day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Walking the hard road……

I have started this blog two or three different times tonight, and have erased it completely every time. I have done this with intention too. My job is so very often filled with joy and wonder, yet at other times it is difficult. Everyone wants to be liked, and there is a great temptation to often do the thing that creates the least amount of waves in order to maintain peace or popularity. It however often is not the right thing to do.

Thus the reason behind this funk I am in tonight. I only wish it would go away. In all honesty it eats away at my spirit, and really takes me away from being totally present with my family, and that troubles me very much.
Many people carry things into their private lives that should be checked at the door, and I am no different. I really do just want the best for people, and truly my heart and my intentions are in the right place. Of course they say that road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I am rally invested in what I do and who I am, and I do it for the right reasons. But one of the downfalls of my vocation is that people often only believe it when you are doing what they want you to.
But sometimes convictions make one’s life a lonely place. (For the convict AND for priests set on the right road) I have been there before and I will be there again, but just because you have been there doesn’t mean that it needs to please you….it doesn’t me.
So no wit (other than the awesome convict joke) and no bunnies and flowers. Life is a journey, and sometimes the terrain we travel is rough. But I am faithful and up to the task. I may not like it, but I am moving ahead.
God be with me as I walk this road.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A water-logged apology……

I heard from Steph about my post yesterday….perhaps I was a bit hard on her. That sandwich we found in her car was actually not hers. She knew it, and so did I. And my attempt to be witty inadvertently, and most improperly, incriminated her. For that I apologize. But to Scott, no way…..his girlfriend bemoaned that car’s condition today at practice again.

Of course it was difficult to hear her over the monsoon. It rained today through our entire practice and we were all quite wet. But I was impressed. The sheer toughness of these young women is amazing. Quite a few were out sick, but one of them who was hurt and unable to dress for practice actually came out and stood with the coaches in the rain. Opponents beware…..these girls are not afraid to get their hair wet……or apparently anything else. They were soaked.
In all honesty though, days like today are just part of it. We play in anything but lightening, and to be prepared for everything we practice in everything. We had a rainy day in the 50’s today, we have had the snow and sleet and 30’s already too. But I think we are all looking forward to it being so hot we cannot stand it…..it will get there by season’s end.
I have to confess however, I was happy to get to the end of practice. Though I was still wet, the lack of rain in my car and the heater were pretty wonderful.
Tomorrow I lead a Confirmation Class and it is going to be both inside and dry…..two things I believe I will really enjoy!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Parental joy!

I had the opportunity to drive in both my kid’s cars tonight. Stephanie’s car is here in Indiana while she is at school and Amanda has been driving it while her car is in the repair shop. It will be done tomorrow. And Scotty drove me for a little bit tonight in his car…..they are both sending me to an early grave.

Tonight, after Steph’s lights went out when I was switching them from low beam to high beam, the only light illuminating the dash being the check engine light, I immediately came home, got on E-Bay, and order some parts. She will insist the car is fine and that she knows how to work it…..I will just pray that my grandkids get a better dose of my genetic pool. I am fixing that car.
Scotty’s car is something else. His girlfriend is actually a lacrosse player, a Junior, who I have had on my team her whole high school career. At practice today she asked me if we could talk, and when I asked her what about, she asked, “Could you please have Scotty clean out his car?” I thought she was joking and laughed it off……..she was not. She doesn’t have a boyfriend, she has a project! But I will leave that to him.
In truth, he is really better than Steph in that regard, as hard as it is to believe by looking at his car, but we have found FOOD in her’s. Well it used to be food, we think. She had a half-eaten sandwich in the storage compartment between her seats. Some parents are disturbed to find things like drugs and alcohol, but what was growing on that former sandwich could have been used as a weapon. Thank God the Hazmat Team was available. The car is now not a hazard, except for the lights.
So I have been riding them about their cars, but at least they both have the courtesy to lie and say they will take care of it. They make me feel better because they are not nearly as truthful as their young 3 year old brother. I told him I wanted him to shape up last night and he just looked me in the eye and told me he was going to “throw me away.”
The joys of being a parent!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Sometimes blessings come in disguises, and to be honest, the flood of 2011 has been one of them. The basement looks great sans the carpet. The carpet is now in the temporary dumpster in driveway….AND, the fact that we have a dumpster for a few days means we can get rid of a lot of the stuff we needed to get rid of but didn’t before the move. I will be doing that now for the next few days. I can only hope I do not end up in there next….since Amanda asked for it to stay for awhile.

But life is just flying along. I had the great privilege to see Scotty open his first college acceptance letter today before lacrosse practice. It was pretty cool. (It is SCOTTY in tonight’s picture too, not Ben…..but you can tell they are brothers) We have yet to visit there, but will within the next couple of weeks. It was a wonderful experience to see his face light up though. It made me very proud. We will hopefully visit there next week. It is high on his list, but of course we have not heard from any colleges yet to this point about the possibility of playing lacrosse…..we will see.

I will however cut this short, which may not be a blessing to regular readers, but maybe we should reframe it.

Just imagine this is a sermon….and in almost 25 years of delivering sermons I have not ever had one complaint of cutting what I have said a bit short!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
