Of Family, of Ordinations, and of Friends……

Today has been quite the day, but I should mention that the whole story takes its roots into late last night.

You see, last night at about 10:15, my Uncle Al came over with my dad and Debby to visit. He and my dad were heading back to New York today for a funeral. Al had come up from Tennessee, and they planned to drive today….they however wanted to see Stephanie.
So we all were here talking and laughing till pretty late. Al is now the Patriarch of our family, and it is always a joy to see him. And one of the greatest joys I had was when Debby mentioned if I had yet met Carl Erskine, who lives here and I said no, but I have an autographed copy of his book. I went and got it and brought it down and gave it to Al and my dad. They LOVED it, not just because they were baseball fans, but because they could identify a ton of the pictures. I am sure they will read it and chat baseball all the way to New York and back.
But the late night made way for an early morning. I woke up early to drive to Kentucky to attend the ordination of my friend Jon Back to the diaconate this morning. It was an AWESOME service, but more than that, it was at St. Barnabas Church.
St. Barnabas actually might not have happened had I not had a stroke. The weekend before Amanda and I (as well as St. Michael the Archangel) hosted a young priest named Chris Peterson at our home. He wanted to move to Indiana, and he was a top notch guy.
The day after he left to return to Minnesota our lives turned drastically here. It was April 2008, and I was not back until June. I am pretty sure I didn’t contact him, nor did I do much of anything well. I do remember he wanted to move here. And he is an awesome priest. I will feel badly about that forever.
And I met his wife today too. I wanted to say, “I AM SO SORRY,” but in truth, I didn’t need to. I was amazed by what they have done and are doing there, and although I am sure he would have done well here too, perhaps God had other plans. His people love him. Jon is so blessed to be under him, and what those two will do together I can only imagine. I do not think God gave me the stroke, but it seems to be a sure and certain coincidence for me to not screw up the impressive work those two guys are doing in Covington, Kentucky.
In one of my favorite movies, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” everyone pitches in to save the Bailey Building and Loan. St. Barnabas doesn’t need saving, but they could use your support. Visit them at www.KentuckyAnglican.com and get their address and send them a donation. I know I am going to.
These guys are dedicated to the Gospel, and more than that, they are my friends. Check them out, and if you are ever in the greater Cincinnati area check them out. They are truly the real thing.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Bulldog blessings a close second to my day……

If you read my blog yesterday….something else came up. At 12:45AM our phone rang and it was Stephanie. Nothing panics you like your daughter, who goes to college in MISSOURI, calling you at that hour. But when Amanda asked, “is everything alright,” Steph answered, “yes, is the alarm on?”

That’s right, Steph and her friend Cassie showed up to surprise us, and it was a surprise indeed! And the day has been filled with laughing and hanging out, although not much by me. I worked all day out of town, and tonight I said my goodbyes. Tomorrow morning I will head to Kentucky and will not get to see her till we head out to see a game of hers in April. My job is often like that, and my luck (if I believed in luck) is always like that. But I did get to see her and Cassie and it was fun while I could…..everyone else is having a marvelous time.
AND…….tonight my beloved BUTLER BULLDOGS knocked off another top seed to reach the Sweet 16. (That’s right I graduated from Butler in 84, for those of you who thought I just bought my degree) But in all the busyness, I was only able to watch the last 7 minutes of the game…..the best part. I was quite thankful for that.
But for now it is off to bed. I would post a big Bulldog picture, but I like this one of Ben and Steph tonight instead. It has been a long and busy day, but parts of it have been so very meaningful. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be here today!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Treading, treading, and more treading……with a porpoise

I have gone all day today, and it feels as if the whole day has been just treading water. Not that it has been a bad thing, because the water today has not be at all treacherous, whereas at other times it can be filled with sharks.

But it took me back to training as a life guard as a teenager. No I never finished the training, as my ears make it impossible to do the swim under the victim and rescue from behind technique…..no not because my ears are that big, but because my eardrums are very weak and prone to blow a hole with very little pressure. The move was excruciating to perform and it took me days to heal. But I decided that if as a life guard I would have to ponder if I liked the person needing help well enough to endure the pain of rescue, that I probably shouldn’t do it. I still cannot dive underwater without risking things, but would if I needed to…..but once again, I digress.
But what I remembered was how when we tread water it is important to pace oneself, and conserve energy, because you never know how long it will last. And today has been a day where that concept has been important. My office is still not quite done, although things are making their way into the repaired closet. But I decided to stain my desk and file cabinet which has now made treading more of a necessity.
But the good news is that I will be hopefully done with it tomorrow evening, lest something else comes up.
If it does, let’s just pray it isn’t a shark.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Of things Irish…….

My hometown is a place called Mishawaka, Indiana. Not too many people have heard of it, not because it isn’t the coolest place in the world, but because the most famous person to ever come from there was Robbie Madacowski, the inventor of dental appliances for dairy cows.

But right next to Mishawka is its much more famous twin city, South Bend, Indiana…..home of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. I am actually from where I am from because my dad came from Brooklyn, New York (before it went gangsta…ridiculous) to Notre Dame to go to college. (Yep, I am the first generation born outside of Brooklyn….which probably explains a lot). BUT my point is that today when I was growing up was a MAJOR HOLIDAY….much like Dyngus Day!
And yes, although most of us were not from anything even near to Irish ancestry, EVERYONE who lived there was Irish. Or at least that’s what we were told. You just didn’t see too much other than Notre Dame anywhere. And although people from Indiana are often called Hoosiers, to us a Hoosier was someone who went to Indiana University. We bled green beer.
But in my infinite wisdom, when it came time to go to college, I decided to leave home and not go there. In retrospect it was a mistake. I didn’t even apply…..and that was back in the day when I probably could have gotten in. (my pre-end my sentences in preposition days). So now I am Irish, but only by my geographical heritage and sports loyalty.
But today I am thinking of things Irish, but today it is of my longtime close friend Kelly Irish, who I went to seminary with back in the Dark Ages. He lives in Ohio (an Ohio State fan, though he is technically an Akron ZIP – a side note, U of A’s motto “It’s never sunny here” was changed in 1996 to attract students who were not depressed…but I digress) Kelly is in a pastors’ group in his community that decided to go to Africa together and do ministry for 10 days. And this morning I spoke to him as he was at Dulles Airport (motto – “we make your delays seem much longer”) awaiting his 13 hour flight on Ethiopia Airlines.
He actually was pretty amazed that he was going, and frankly so was I. But tonight as I reflect upon all the things one could do on St. Patrick’s Day, heading off to help other people is something I believe Patrick himself would endorse.
So keep Kelly in your prayers as well as the pastoral team and the people they will be working with. It is a BIG step of faith and I admire him for it. He will be a blessing there, as he has been to me. And tonight I am thankful for his example of faithfulness in my life.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

A WHOMPIN start…….

Not that I have not mentioned this before, but as the Women’s Head Lacrosse Coach for the high school, I am usually busy and not able to see any men’s games, but it is early in the season (the first game) and tonight I was able to see a special one.

Why was it special? Well, first of all it was my son Scotty’s first game as the starting varsity goalie. He stepped into playing goal, sort of as a joke with the Assistant Coach last year. The JV goalie was hurt and wanted to move to another position, and Scott mouthed off that he was a baseball catcher for many years and could step in for the practice…..he has never stepped out. He played the full year as the JV goalie and the heir of the position on Varsity this year.
So tonight was beginning of his season on Varsity as the goalie…..but it was more than that. I have coached my team for four years, this is my fifth….the first was as the Assistant, the last three as the Head Coach. The Assistant on the men’s team has been Coach Andy McIntyre, or Coach Mac (to me Mac). And he was the coach who goaded Scott into the goal. Tonight was his first game at the helm as Head Coach…..so it was the start of an era for sure.
And what a start it was. Park Tudor is no opossum. And Mac and the boys handled them soundly, beating them 13-5. Scotty was a rockstar, but as I tell the girls, it’s a TEAM SPORT. And tonight Andy’s team showed amazing poise, discipline, and execution. I made sure I stuck around to shake his hand after that first big win.
Both of us have high pressure positions….it takes a lot to be a high school coach. But he is a good one. As a coach myself, I try to just watch, but we all get too involved. I however understand the pressures of the job. This was his showcase of what is to come…..it was an awesome start.
Andy (Mac) has actually coached, not for me, but in place of me one time. When I had my stroke, he and another Assistant Coach, Michael Treinen came over to take my first game. It showed a lot of character, and so did taking the team from the first NHS Head Coach and moving it forward. Great win Mac and congrats! The best I am sure is yet to come.
I would have taken a picture of Scott in goal if my cell phone camera could get close enough, so I had to settle for a picture of my dad, Amanda, and Ben in the stands. Scott’s girlfriend was with us, but seemed to always switch sides to the goal he was defending…..he best pay attention too….
Why? She is my starting center!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


With both hope and determination, I hope to complete the repairs on my office closet and move everything back into it tomorrow. Of course they say that the road to procrastination is paved with hope and determination, so we will see. At least it’s a goal.

The problem is being so busy. Over the past few weeks I have been more frenzied than a squirrel breaking into a Planter’s factory. And since my “projects” are not priority number one, they are done in between other things, yet when something as important as this office closet is not finished, it slows down my ability to do other work. It’s like how a little bit of sugar can ruin a whole glass of iced tea…..yep, I am from the north, deal with it!
But the good news of being too busy is that is distracts me from things I need distracting from, such as the fact that I am still dieting or that I am entering my 50th season as a Cubs fan. Things I suppose could be worse, yet I am hard pressed to think of any examples…..oh wait, I could be my wife. That poor soul.
But the big blessing tomorrow is that I will end the day with actually being able to be AT Scotty’s season opener at Park Tudor. I cannot tell you how excited that makes me. As the coach of the women’s high school team, I am generally coaching my own game somewhere. It just happens that I am off tomorrow night! Yee ha!
So it is off to bed for me. I am hopeful and determined to have a relaxing and wonderful night of peaceful dreams, but I imagine I will dream of some construction project instead. There is no escaping all the busy work…even when I am unconscious!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


Lacrosse boys living the basketbal dream…..

Brothers…..go figure. Tonight Amanda is meeting a friend of hers for dinner, and although I am dieting, my two boys ordered themselves two pizzas (since they both want what they want) and then after gorging themselves went out to play basketball together in the driveway. As for me, I was not invited to play, so I just watched them as my stomach growled and my nose kept saying, “isn’t that pizza I smell?”

But it is worth it. You see, there are more pictures than that cute little picture of Ben taking communion yesterday. There was also one of who I originally though was Jabba the Hut, but as I looked closer I thought, “Either Jabba the Hut is wearing a purple vestment, or that is me.” And it was. I really felt ashamed and wanted to call everyone I knew to apologize. Enough of the screwing around. Things are gonna change.
I was looking at a friends posting of our high school hockey pictures on Facebook earlier today. I was skinny, sure, and we used to lie on our program about my height and weight. But that was 30 years ago. So with God as my witness, I will be back in fighting shape by my 50th birthday.
Of course, here’s the confession…….I will be 50 June 19th. So this is to say that I am not really 35 like I have been telling everyone….nor is my nickname “Thor.” I am just a guy like so many others who needs to get it together.
What I want you to know is that I will.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

First Communion….

Today was a BIG day, but a long one too. It is technically about an hour into tomorrow as I am typing this, but that’s just the way some days go.

But the big news is that Ben and his life-long friend Bella made their First Communion today. It was a real blessing to see them both together and so excited. And there was no pressure on either of them, considering that EVERYONE was watching them too! Ben was a little less aware of all the eyes than Bella, but the god part was that we got them both through it all. Way to go guys!
Then, late in the afternoon I got a call from my uncle telling me that my grandma had been hospitalized in Goshen where she lives. She is in her mid-90’s and needless to say it worried me something fierce. I took a shower and quickly drove up for a visit. My grandma is great, and we had a nice chat. She looked good, and hopes to be out within the next few days. Sadly, it looks as if she will be giving up her apartment at the retirement center and moving into their assisted living building. I’d be happy to move there too, but I am currently five years, three months, and 5 days too young….but who’s counting?
So it has been eventful to say the least. I am typing in bed next to Ben who is in here because he is running a low grade fever. I am betting it’s going to be another trip to Dr. Kelly to look at his ears.
After all, it couldn’t be the Communion…….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Oh my world……

Originally today was the day when Scotty and I were scheduled to head to St. Louis for his college visit, but lacrosse (the sport that consumes only 137% of our family’s time) happened to interfere. Scotty had a game (scrimmage) today at 1pm.

Fortunately, we were on the college visit on Tuesday, making today a typical Saturday in lacrosse season….a day to wrestle Ben in the stands. Fortunately for me, I do not have to be a spectator at many games as I am more than not coaching my own team somewhere else. But today we had no women’s games, so I was blessed (as I am supposed to call it) to be able to watch Scott…..and not so blessed to be able to wrestle Ben.
Sure, being in the tent that Ben made (with the blanket my wife HAD to bring) and playing Transformers was fun. It was very manly. But in the end, I was able to see the lion’s share of Scott’s game, and got “tent-credit” as well. It was a pretty good time.
But the world of work has been beckoning me home, and that’s what I am doing tonight. Tomorrow is the First Sunday in Lent, and I am WAY BEHIND.
But thus is the life I live. I am tired though, and hope I am able to live into just one more day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The last church you will ever need….

I have been up to Christ the King Kokomo twice this week, but each time I drive there from my house I pass two churches with very interesting names. The first is “The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn,” which has a hand painted sign that screams IMPERATIVE! And it is located between Aroma and Omega, Indiana.

Of course the cool one is the “Omega Christian Church.” I really must confess however, that although I took this picture of their sign I have no idea what the church looks like at all. I just liked the sign, and not for its pizazz, but for its unintended meaning.
But my drives through the country really amaze me. There are churches all over the countryside and they are really in the middle of nowhere. They are often beautiful buildings too. It just amazes me that they are still around, and in truth, I am happy they are.
But if you have a choice, my preference of course is that you attend one of our churches. Nothing against the GACFB (not to be confused with the sound my cat often makes), or OCC (they also make pretty sweet choppers, the bikes, not teeth) but I like what we are about better.
So if you are ever traveling across Indiana and are looking for a church, come see us instead. We don’t use snakes in the service, although I am sure some of the wives may say we have a few there. But that’s a marriage counseling issue. As for me, I am just a priest and a traveling church photographer.
Goodnight and God Bless!