Goodbye 2010…….

Who ever knew Father Time was that guy from Lord of the Rings? I didn’t…..but I digress.

Well it appears I will go out this year in a slump. Amanda, Ben and I had to leave our gathering at the Morgan’s because I just could not make it. I can tell the medicine is working, but it is kicking my butt better than Notre Dame kicked Miami’s this afternoon. (Did I mention I am a life-long ND fan?….probably in just about 100 blog entries I would guess)

But alas, this even prevented me from watching the whole game. Sure I would love to tell you I was out doing something valiant or important, but my energy is just not there and I actually slept through the first half of the game (yep, the good part). I may call up to the University (yes, it is always capitalized where I come from) and let them know what happens when I nap on game day. I would like a Notre Dame degree, and perhaps I can get an honorary one by offering to nap during important games.
The real blessing of the day though is that tomorrow will be a fresh start. I am not big on resolutions, but tomorrow I will make some. I am just looking forward to my last sleep of 2010…..a sleep I intend to get to right now.
Before I go I do want to thank all of you who follow this blog for reading it this past year. As you can see by my daily attention to it, it really is therapy for me, and it really is an important part of my life. And so are you…..thanks so much for your support.
Goodnight 2010 and God Bless!