Reaching the finish line…….

I suppose it all depends upon your perspective…..we made it to the finish line in terms of getting to the closing, but in a real sense it is but a starting line for a new chapter in our lives. Though intense in getting there (the down payment was wired about an hour before we needed to close) everything went very well. We not only signed all the papers with the Woodruffs, but we went out for a nice dinner and drinks afterwards with them as well. It was a real honor…..a splendid day.

And on a personal note, Amanda and I are celebrating tonight in a very typical Tirman fashion…..I am at home with the dog and she is at a lacrosse meeting. But when she gets home I will trick her into letting me carry her over the threshold, even though I threw out my back earlier today. It will be worth the pain. AND perhaps she will be sympathetic to me as I milk this injury for all I am worth. ($5.25)
So I will bid you all adieu, because I am really pretty darn tired…..especially of a-doin!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!