Waffles, but no Wiggles…..

Although Ben and I watch “The Wiggles” just about every morning (I LOVE THEM and particularly thing my ideal job would have been Captain Feathersword), our lunch date had nothing to do with them at all…..even though it was waffles. and how did we arrive at waffles? Well, the little snake turned down just about everything else.

So I made his waffles, and when he came down from upstairs, he was in the attire you see in the picture…..Thomas the Train pajamas and a Spiderman hat. Too cool for words I suppose.
But what gets me is what a hit this little fashion-disaster is with the ladies. Now of course I am married, but when I was a single guy I always tried to attract a bit of attention. The Thomas the Train PJ’s and Spiderman hat never crossed my mind. Oh, but to know what I do now! He seems to be a fashion savant.
And now he is in bed, in those same Thomas the Train PJ’s but sans the hat. Oddly enough, he is in MY BED where indeed my wife thinks he is adorable. I am just at a loss for words.
But tomorrow I am getting online. You can get anything on the Internet, and I am going to look for a hat and PJ’s. If you can’t beat them, join them. I will like the attention, and if the truth be told, I am pretty fond of waffles too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

No more lifting…….

Unless someone drops off another piece of furniture here, I am happy to report that ALL our furniture is in place. It took a lot of doing, particularly with everyone gone today, but between meetings I managed to horse all the remaining pieces up the stairs and into place. Thank God!

AND…..tomorrow I will be working from my office at HOME, which is something I have yet to do, but something I am looking forward to. I am really behind with some work things because of the move, and it will be a real blessing to catch up, or at least make a dent in doing so!
There will be an additional blessing tomorrow as well, in that Stephanie is coming home for Christmas break. There will be a big surprise I will write about tomorrow night that she and I know about, but few others. It is going to be an awesome day.
Please keep Scotty in your prayers too. Tonight in the last indoor game of this session, he took a pretty fast shot off the helmet and into the side of his neck. He was pretty dazed by it, and is Motrined-up, and resting in his bed. He is a great goalie, but tonight he did not get a lot of help, which can be pretty dangerous. I am the high school WOMEN’S coach, and although I have an opinion that I will be happy (and sure) to share later with my counterpart for the men’s team, I am not able to intervene. It is a coaching thing, and I hope it can be corrected.
So for now I will enjoy these last few minutes of peace before I head to bed. Tomorrow I am declaring a “furniture-free” day…..and no one could be more blessed by that than me!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Handling depression……..

People have different ways of handling their depression. Some cry, some sleep, others throw themselves into the world of comfort food. But what does one do when their Cowboy Grandpa leaves to return to Kansas? He gets a blanket, his Polar Express movie, and then shares his issues with his dog on the couch in their “office.” And fortunately the dog is a good listener, if you can get by the fact that he always falls asleep when you are talking, because Ben seemed fine by the end of the day. It appears it was all acute. But with toddlers just about everything is. And with Ben, cute is a part of just about every word we use to describe him.

But I suppose you never know how anyone will take things. Amanda was so happy to see her dad. Her dad and I were happy to know she was not going to have us carry any more furniture, and Ben and Scott just had a good time. It seems that is all turned out well in the end.
And for that, on this day, I am thankful.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Hanging with Cowboy Grandpa…….

Amanda’s dad is here from Kansas, a victim of my wife buying a couple of pieces of furniture and then sweet talking him into bringing them out to her. He and his friend Gary drove the unbelievably long journey yesterday, because she is persuasive and persistent when she wants something. It reminded me of how she begged for months before getting me to propose, but I suppose when something is that worth it, she has to do what she has to do…but I digress.

The good part is that Ben gets to see his grandpa, and to differentiate between her dad and my dad, he calls her dad “Cowboy Grandpa,” which is because he is indeed a real full-fledged cowboy. Of course tonight in all the confusion, I forgot to mention to him that Roy Rogers was actually friends with the people who owned this house some years ago and has stayed here a few times. And I would wake him up to share that information, but who wants to risk being hog-tied to share something can wait until morning?
But Ben is having fun, and so is Cowboy Grandpa. When Amanda and Ben were out in Kansas a few weeks back, I thought to visit, but to apparently by furniture and arrange delivery, it was then that Ben started using the name “Cowboy Grandpa.” My dad, who Ben has always just called Grandpa, Ben is now calling “Hospital Grandpa,” since Ben was with him a few times up at St. Vincent’s when he had surgery over the summer. I am sure that my dad will fix that soon with something like “Zoo Grandpa” (not intended to reflect anything about my brother or sister) or “Brooklyn Grandpa,” or even just “Grandpa” like it has been.
But for now Ben will wear out his Cowboy Grandpa and then they will be on there way home. Of course first we will probably need to get some more furniture. But who’s to complain? Not me…….I’d rather not be hog-tied and set outside. It’s just too cold.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Nope, not crazy……

I normally am on top of things, but tonight I feel a bit frustrated. I was supposed to be hosting a conference call this evening with my clergy, and not only did I forget, but only one of them remembered and called me about it. I was not goofing off when I got his call, but painting. It was embarrassing. I really should have remembered.

PLUS…..our website still has the information up about our December 20th retreat with our Bishop, a retreat that we postponed due to an emergency in his family. I ALSO want to put up information about a missionary we want to get the word out on, but the computer that has Microsoft Frontpage on it has magically disappeared or is somewhere in a box.
Oh, there IS good news. Earlier today I DID FIND the power cord for the laptop that networks the printer. So printing will be less of an issue very soon, but it sure would be nice to know where our stuff is……hopefully soon.
Of course at least we know where the kids are, and that seems to be a blessing (at least most of the time), but I am still focusing on the missing laptop.
So for now I will go and take an additional sweep of some target areas. Yep, I have searched them before too. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. No worries……I have had a stroke. I will just forget I searched there about five minutes later. No insanity here.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Happy Birthday Stephanie…..

Yes, my daughter turned 19 today, and although I know she is away at college, I do feel this incredible sense of guilt in that it is the first birthday of hers that I have not been with her to celebrate. We did send her a gift, and Amanda did arrange a sneaky surprise dinner for her and her friends, which I originally spelled “fiends,” (too funny huh?) thanks to her friend Lindsey (THANKS LINDSEY!). But of course I would have rather been there myself.

Of course I will be able to take her out for dinner and cake in just a few days, since she comes home for Christmas break on the 10th. What matters I suppose is that she has had a blast on her birthday, and at 19, thinking back, I would imagine I was not on that “first choice” guest list anyhow, so I will not worry about it at all. I am just happy for her.
So Happy Birthday Stephanie! We are proud of you and are looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

There are snakes on that train!

I have been waiting to write about this, particularly since it makes me laugh every time I think about it. I hope it will you too.

On Thursday night, Ben was snaking (a word where I come from meaning to get one’s way through devious means, even when you are 3 and it is obvious) his way into our bed for the night. I finally gave in, grabbed him, and lifted him up between Amanda and me. I then proceeded to remove his slippers, and that’s when it happened……he threw a FIT. So as he was crying and trying to explain (to a guy who qualifies for hearing aids yet doesn’t own a pair) my wife finally explained for him. Apparently he needs to sleep with his slippers on, because he wants to be ready when the Polar Express comes to pick him up. Now I apparently need to watch the movie all the way through rather than bits and pieces.
It was cute, but to make matters worse on the next morning when I was leaving for Akron, Ben woke up adamant that it was Christmas morning. He is his mom’s son, and there is no arguing with him when he thinks he is right, so I just changed the subject. But this is clearly going to be a long month.
But tonight I am home, I got this picture of him in his Polar-ready attire, and although I am still up working, I do believe when I get to my bed I will find that he has already snaked his way in. He does it with everyone…..just ask his brother. But that’s what you get with snakes.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

No picture, lousy post……

I do not mind traveling, but once and awhile the Internet where I stay doesn’t allow me to post from my computer. If I were just 13 I could figure it out, but I am really at my best with a abacus, a rock, and a stick.

Too bad too, I knew exactly what I would write, so maybe I will post about it tomorrow when I get home. The weather looks a bit dicey, so keep me in your prayers. I need to get home to help shovel snow!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Burning the candle…….

Holy smokes I am tired. I am burning the candle on both ends trying to get this house unpacked and the other ready to rent. I am home now, but my car is filled with stuff from the old house, and I will make one more trip there in the morning before heading out to Akron, Ohio for an Installation Service of Father Mike Kraynak as Rector of St. Luke’s in Akron. It is a long trip, though just an overnight, but it will be worth it.

So today there were office calls all morning, two trips and work at the old house with calls on the drives, a lacrosse game, and then dinner with family. My favorite part of course was the dinner. It’s not that coaching the girls is not a blast, because it always is, but it is always fun to have the boys together with my dad. The picture is kind of fuzzy, but it was a fun time.
But now I am too tired to pac (not the deceased rapper), too tired to do laundry, and even too tired to do all the stuff I normally do when I get home…..yep, more tired than an Indy car on a hot day……and even more tired than Lili Von Shtupp (that’s a hard one….think Mongo).
So it is off to bed I go. Tomorrow will hopefully be a more energetic day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The Promise……

This morning Ben had a total meltdown. Of course his world has been turned upside down, and his schedule has been majorly disrupted, but it certainly didn’t make things any easier……on any of us.

But on the way to the sitter he and I had a conversation. I thought it would be an exciting one for him, but apparently it was not. Our “tractor” (a decent sized garden tractor) was being delivered this morning (along with our snow blower) and he had been waiting on it for weeks. Of course, mid-meltdown his interest was to be obstinate and not compliant or conversational. The new tractor is actually a Husqvarna, which is a kind of dark orange color, and Ben knows that so on the ride he talked about how he wanted a “green” tractor and nothing else. And though he was promised that he could sit on my lap and drive the orange one, he was insistent that is was green or nothing.
When I picked him up at the end of the day however, he apparently had a change of heart. He asked me if we were going home to ride HIS ORANGE TRACTOR……..and that we did. We took a full lap around the yard and he couldn’t have been happier.
In all honesty, so was I.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.