Diagnosis burber…….

Wow, I have been called out onto the carpet……..an infection, imagine that? Not going away on it’s own either……I needed antibiotics. Too bad someone didn’t tell me that before. I probably would have been to the doctor long ago! bwhahaha!

So I guess it is all going to be okay. Sadly however, I need to wait a couple of days before doing any visiting. But the good part is that I have plenty to do. As it turns out, our chimney is probably going to need to be relined, and that means that tomorrow I may indeed meet my very first chimney sweep. AND, if it is Dick Van Dyke I will just explode….after all, I am a huge fan. (If you do not understand that joke, look up “Bye Bye Birdie,” yep a Fr. Dan goose-chase)
But I am really doubtful that it will be him. It is probably just the medicine talking. But it would be cool, wouldn’t it? And what better way to spend an afternoon than with one of your idols!
A guy can dream……
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

It’s just a flesh wound……

Okay, I a stubborn, but I am beginning to think that everybody else just may be right, so I have scheduled a doctor appointment for tomorrow morning. It does pain me to admit it, but I just do not seem to be getting better on my own. I suppose I have waited long enough for about 10 viruses to run their course too. SO….it will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.

In the meantime, I will remain stubborn and delusional. It’s a man’s way, and it is all I know.
Fortunately for me, I am a man.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

No rest for the wicker………

Although I have really been trying to rest, or even as they say “take some time off,” today I have been run ragged. I have seen my pillow much less than I have the auto repair technicians (the tires were bad on Amanda’s car and I have to see them again tomorrow), roofers (who I also will see again tomorrow), some of my lacrosse players retired and active (some who are staying the night with Stephanie and I will also see tomorrow), and my family, who I have passed occasionally back and forth dealing with all the other stuff. It doesn’t make for good recovery time (which I need) but hopefully at some point it will all settle down.

The sad part is that I had to cancel a trip up to see my grandma today, and I still have yet to see my mom in the nursing home since Christmas. If I am at at least 70% tomorrow I will go see my mom, and my grandma I might be able to catch at the end of the week. We will see.
But as they say, “there’s no rest for the wicker,” or something like that. I know very little about furniture, and apparently less about rest. Sooner or later though I will break in one direction or another.
I am pulling for recovery. I just do not have the time to keep digging out of this hole!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Smelling great……….

I have a confession……..I actually like the cologne that my wife bought me for Christmas, but let’s keep that our little secret, okay?

It actually represents a real breakthrough in our relationship too. For years I have worn stuff that she seems to call “cowboy cologne,” but I like it. I also like the brand that makes the stuff you find in the barbershop….it cost approximately 6 bucks for a 55 gallon barrel too. But I don’t wear any of it because it is cheap (here meaning not costing a lot). I wear it because I like it.
In truth, I would probably get the “willies” if I knew what this bottle of stuff costs. I could ask my barber, but I am sure it would give us both a coronary (here meaning heart attack), plus there are things that real men just do not discuss at the barbershop……fancy cologne is one of them (quiche and ice dancing are two more). But I wore some today and I liked it. Go figure.
But the big joke is that she has not noticed I have it on! She always makes a scene when I am wearing the other, but this appears to do nothing for her at all.
We however are making progress……..because if I find one that works, regardless the cost, I am buying a 55 gallon drum.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Bowed under………

My wife, though delightful, is the queen of OCD, and Christmastime is a time when it isn’t very hidden.

For instance, we reuse bows. After unwrapping a gift, part of the routine is to throw her your bow so she can store it away. And if the truth be known, we actually had to move to this house because it was bigger……we had run out of room at the other house for used Christmas bows.
That’s why, of course, I do not use them when I wrap. I just count the number of gift bags I have used (also recycled) and then dig out that number of bows from the bow tote (not a box, we are a modern family) and hand them to her. They then go back in for the next time.
Of course she is technically a scientist (a microbiologist) but she appears to not be using her scientific mind. I of course can see the danger. I mean, if you keep using and reusing the same bows, AND, if others keep giving your gifts each year (some with bows) sooner or later we will be overrun by bows……this is a scientific fact. And I know this because even though none of my degrees are in science, Captain Kirk had the very same problem with “truffles” on an episode of Star Trek that I watched as a kid. And everyone knows that Star Trek teaches a lot of truth about science.
But for now I will just smile and go along with it. I know better than to cross an addicted personality.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Merry Christmas!

I am posting this picture of Ben protesting getting his picture taken for the bizzionenth time and, taking the day off to spend some much cherished family time! But I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

May the blessing of the God who made the heavens and the earth be upon you as you celebrate His gift to us of His Son!
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Still kicking……..and on Christmas Eve!

It seems so hard to imagine that I have missed just about 48 hours of life right before Christmas service, but that is indeed true. I am pretty beat (exhausted), but in just about 7 hours I will preside over one of our many Christmas services. My sermon is finished, the bulletins are done, the parking lot is clear, and if anything gets in the way someone else will just have to deal with it. I am thankful just to make it.

Of course I still need to get there and do it, but after the last couple of days that should be easy. I am no weenie, as they say where I come from, but whatever I had really kicked my butt. My intentions pre-all this were to attend a 5pm at St. Anne’s, and then preside at an 8 and 11 pm at St. Patrick’s…..obviously, I will just be at the one. I am stubborn, but certainly not stupid. I am scheduled to do three services on Sunday, not uncommon for any of us, but if I do not get my energy back it will be a long weekend.
But thanks be to God that I am up and walking! It prevents everyone else from scrambling to cover for me. Keep us all in your prayers too. It is such an important time of year. Jesus truly is the reason for the season.
And as for me, I am thankful I will be at a service tonight explaining that rather than having coffee with Him in heaven. A day ago, I wasn’t so sure!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Why why why???

Of course I thought, or better yet assumed, that after I would receive the very first flu shot that I have ever had in my life that it might make me a bit immune…….of course that was wrong. I have been miserable all day (and last night), in bed, and hoping and praying for a great day tomorrow. I rarely ever get sick, but this is exceptionally stressful this week. I missed a good 24 hours I needed to prepare, and will be scrambling, feeling better or not, tomorrow.

So no fancy words of wisdom, or funny posts tonight. I am just hoping to get better. I have already cancelled the 11pm service tomorrow because I am certain I will not have the energy. I have every intention of doing the 8pm one though.
So please keep me in your prayers. I am very frustrated. I want to be better for tomorrow. And God willing, I will be.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Da plow……..

Although it felt great, when you are already under the weather, shoveling the parking lot at St. Patrick’s by hand was perhaps a bit much. It DID need to be done, and to be honest, I had no desire to head over and sweat my brains out right before services on Christmas Eve. It however is done, and I pray no more snow comes before Friday, and that no one takes our shovel like they did the last one.

But I was there to help Amanda. We adopted a family for Christmas at St. Patrick’s and tonight was the collection and delivery time. No, I didn’t take a picture showing how much was collected, nor did I ask to take their pictures. What we did as a congregation was to just reach out and help a family in need….period. I am thankful we did. Other than that whole marrying me thing, Amanda seems to make pretty good decisions.
So for now I will head off to bed with two very busy days ahead. It has been a great day. I hope to feel better soon!
Goodnight and God Bless!

Vow of silence…..

Wow, if it were not for all that global warming I would swear it was WINTER….oh yeah, it IS. Our new snow blower got its third full workout on the season’s first day today. Of course it was Scotty at the controls. He loves that thing and does a great job with it. I can’t tell you how much that pleases me too.

And as for me, I have made some progress today, though I am pretty worried about my voice. I can always work with a headache, but a priest without a voice is not a lot of good (although many of them talk too long, so maybe they really might be popular). But with Christmas just a few days away, I would like to have no worries.
Sadly however, I do. I am trying to talk as little as I can, and I am drinking a lot of fluids. As long as I keep at that I am certain I will do fine. At least that’s the plan (and hopefully not the delusion).
So to bed I go. Tomorrow will be lived mostly in silence…….I’m just praying that I do not talk in my sleep!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!